

Unbiased estimation of target motion analyze based on non-maneuvering single station


为了解决远距离场景下基于非机动单站的目标跟踪问题,提出了一种基于三维到达角信息且具有渐进无偏特性的目标跟踪算法.以相对运动模型为研究对象,在速率先验已知的条件下,建立基于非机动单站的运动模型与观测模型,并对系统可观测性进行了分析.为了解决伪线性最小二乘算法的有偏性问题,提出了一种具有渐进无偏性能的约束总体最小二乘法,并证明了该方法的无偏性.仿真结果表明,在百公里级别的三维到达角跟踪中,角测量标准差分别为0.1°,0.2°,0.3°时,约束总体最小二乘法50~100 s内的时均相对距离误差能达到6%,12%,21%,时均绝对位置误差达到9,19,35 km;而初始距离为70,140,280 km时50~100 s内的时均相对距离误差能达到1%,6%,30%,时均绝对位置误差为0.7,9,30 km,100 s时的相对距离误差均能降到10%以内,精度提升效果最明显,且算法运行速度与伪线性最小二乘法在同一个量级.约束总体最小二乘法收敛速度快、定位精度高,且具有较快的运行效率,受测角误差与初始距离的影响较小,能够为远距离场景下的非机动单站三维到达角目标跟踪提供有效方法.

To address the challenge of target tracking for non-maneuvering,single-station setups in long-range scenarios,we propose a target tracking algorithm leveraging three-dimensional angle of arrival data,characterized by its asymptotically unbiased nature.Initially,we construct a motion and observation model centered on a non-maneuvering single station,assuming a known rate prior,and examine the system's ob-servability.To tackle the bias inherent in the pseudo linear least squares algorithm,we introduce a con-strained total least squares method that demonstrates asymptotically unbiased properties,with its effective-ness validated through simulations.In tests involving three-dimensional angle tracking over distances in the hundred-kilometer range,with angle measurement standard deviations at 0.1°,0.2°,and 0.3°,the con-strained total least squares method achieves a time-average relative distance error of 6%,12%,and 21%within 50-100 seconds,respectively,and an absolute position error of 9 km,19 km,and 35 km;at initial distances of 70,140,and 280 km,the errors are 1%,6%,and 30%for the same duration,with absolute errors of 0.7 km,9 km,and 30 km.Notably,the relative distance error can be reduced to below 10%within 100 seconds,marking a significant precision enhancement,while maintaining operational speed comparable to the pseudo linear least squares method.The constrained total least squares approach exhibits rapid convergence,high accuracy,and swift processing,showing resilience against angle measurement er-rors and initial distance variations.It offers a robust solution for 3D angle of arrival tracking of non-maneu-vering single-station targets in distant settings.


哈尔滨工业大学 航天学院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150000哈尔滨工程大学 航天与建筑工程学院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150001



target tracking3d arrival of anglepseudo-linearasymptotic unbiased estimation

《光学精密工程》 2024 (007)

1034-1044 / 11


