

Innovation and practice of wide angle large section continuous cutting process



The traditional roadheader is affected by the length of the fuselage and the transportation coupling device.During the large-section cutting operation,the phenomenon of coal drop deviation at the transfer point of the body and the deviation of the second belt from the track often occurs,which brings hidden dangers to safety.In view of this problem,this paper takes Niuerzhuang Mining Company of Jizhong Energy Fengfeng Group as an example,and makes a series of improvements on the extension and adjustment of the transportation coupling device of the fully mechanized excavator,so that the fully mechanized excavator can freely adjust the forward angle and direction when the inflection line is excavated,and the body can directly enter the inflection line roadway for cutting production operation,which realizes the coaxial free rotation of the body and the transportation belt of the fully mechanized excavator,ensures the continuous operation of the large wide-angle swing cutting of the body,and solves a series of problems such as the limited swing of the body,the transportation of coal ballast at the transfer point,and the falling of the body belt.


冀中能源峰峰集团牛儿庄采矿公司,河北邯郸 056201



roadheadercontinuous cuttingturning line construction

《煤炭与化工》 2024 (003)

88-90 / 3

