

Feature extraction and prediction of multidimensional time series based on GGInformer model


随着大数据与物联网技术的迅猛发展,多维时间序列数据的应用范围变得更加广泛.面对大量的非线性、高维冗余特征的复杂时间序列,传统的时间序列分析方法已经不能很好地解决多维时间序列的复杂高维特征问题,从而导致预测效果欠佳.针对以上问题,通过对遗传算法和 Informer 模型进行改进,并融合GRU网络,提出了GGInformer模型.该模型不仅可以有效提取多维时间序列的关键特征,而且较好地解决了长程依赖问题.为了验证模型的预测能力,选取了 2 种实际数据集与 3 种公共基准数据集进行实验,相比较 Informer 基准模型,GGInformer 模型在 5 种数据集上的MSE 分别降低了 22%,13%,20%,23%和 38%.实验结果表明,GGInformer 模型可以有效解决多维时间序列数据的复杂特征提取问题,并可以进一步提高时序预测能力.

With the rapid development of big data and Internet of Things(IoT)technologies,the ap-plication scope of multidimensional time series data has become increasingly widespread.Faced with a large amount of complex time series data characterized by non-linearity and high-dimensional redundant features,traditional time series analysis methods struggle to effectively address the complexity of multi-dimensional time series with high-dimensional features,resulting in suboptimal predictive performance.To address these issues,this paper proposes the GGInformer model,which improves upon the Genetic Algorithm and Informer model while incorporating the GRU network.This model not only efficiently extracts key features from multidimensional time series but also effectively addresses long-term depend-ency issues.To validate the predictive capability of the model,experiments are conducted on two real datasets and three public benchmark datasets,all of which demonstrated superior performance compared to the baseline models.Specifically,compared to the Informer baseline model,the GGInformer model achieves reductions in Mean Squared Error(MSE)values of 22%,13%,20%,23%,and 38%across the five datasets.The experimental results indicate that the GGInformer model can effectively address the complex feature extraction challenges of multidimensional time series data and further enhance time series prediction capabilities.


郑州大学计算机与人工智能学院,河南 郑州 450001



multidimensional time seriesfeature extractionpredictionimproved genetic algorithm

《计算机工程与科学》 2024 (004)

590-598 / 9


