

Application of Integrated Fixed Film Activated Sludge/Catalytic Ozonation Processes in Upgrading and Reconstruction of WWTP


为满足更加严格的污水排放标准,将泥膜共生/臭氧催化氧化工艺在处理水量为 2×104 m3/d的东营S污水处理厂提标改造中应用.运行结果表明,新工艺运行后,系统去除有机物和氮素的效率提升.在进水水质、水温等条件基本相同的情况下,生化池反应碳氮比(C/N)由 5.74 降至 4.53,乙酸钠碳源投加量降低 58.9%,生化出水化学需氧量(CODCr)、氨氮、总氮质量浓度分别由改造前的 52.2、2.2、14.0 mg/L降至 42.8、1.2、8.7 mg/L,臭氧催化氧化出水CODCr 均值为 20.4 mg/L.改造后泥膜共生系统中,通过扫描电子显微镜(SEM)可观察到密实、连续的生物膜体,检测出Candidatus_competibacte、Nitrospira等优势菌群,有效保证了系统稳定的氮转化和有机物去除效果,生化段溶解性有机物(DOM)去除率由 32.4%提高至 44.7%,臭氧催化氧化工艺基本将生化出水中残留的对甲酚、甲苯等难降解有机物完全去除.此外,在满足更高排放要求的情况下,提标改造前后水处理药剂成本基本不变.

Dongying S wastewater treatment plant(WWTP)underwent an upgrade to comply with more stringent sewage discharge standards.With a capacity of 20000 m3/d,the WWTP is retrofitted with an integrated fixed film activated sludge/ozone catalytic oxidation process.The process operation results indicate that the implementation of this novel process has significantly improved the removal efficiency of organic matter and nitrogen.Simultaneously,C/N in the biochemical tank decreased from 5.74 to 4.53 with a 58.9%reduction in sodium acetate carbon source dosage under virtually similar influent water quality and temperature conditions.The biochemical effluent had reductions in CODCr,ammonia nitrogen and total nitrogen from 52.2,2.2,14.0 mg/L before the upgrade to 42.8,1.2,8.7 mg/L respectively.The average CODCr of the ozone catalytic oxidation effluent is measured at 20.4 mg/L.The integrated fixed film activated sludge system forms a dense and continuous biofilm,which includes dominant bacterial groups such as Candidatus_competibacte and Nitrospira,ensures stable nitrogen conversion and effective organic matter removal.The dissolved organic matter(DOM)removal efficiency in the biochemical stage increases from 32.4%to 44.7%,and the ozone catalytic oxidation process essentially eliminated difficult-to-degrade organic compounds such as cresol and toluene in the biochemical effluent.Moreover,the cost of water treatment chemicals remains essentially unchanged before and after upgrading,meeting the increased emission requirements.


中国石化集团胜利石油管理局有限公司供水分公司,山东东营 257000中国城市建设研究院有限公司,北京 100120



integrated fixed film activated sludgecatalytic ozonationdominant bacterial groupsdissolved organic matter(DOM)

《净水技术》 2024 (004)

178-189 / 12


