

Effects of Different Green Manure Varieties and Planting Time on Agronomic Characters,Yield and Quality of Flue-cured Tobacco and Chemical Composition of Tobacco-planting Soil


为探索不同绿肥品种与种植时间对植烟土壤化学成分及烤烟产质量的影响,分别在昭阳区布嘎回族乡、苏家院镇开展了小面积同田对比试验,共设置9个处理:种植光叶紫花苕同田冬闲对照(GCK)、8月5日播种光叶紫花苕(G0)、8月20日播种光叶紫花苕(G15)、种植黑麦草同田冬闲对照(HCK)、8月5日播种黑麦草(H0)、8月20日播种黑麦草(H15)、种植肥田萝卜同田冬闲对照(FCK)、8月5日播种肥田萝卜(F0)、8月20日播种肥田萝卜(F15).结果表明:种植光叶紫花苕、黑麦草和肥田萝卜3种绿肥品种并翻压还田均对烤烟田间农艺性状和经济性状具有较好的改善作用,对植烟土壤的化学成分也具有一定的调控作用;光叶紫花苕和黑麦草在当地8月中旬末播种,下茬烤烟移栽前90 d内全部翻压还田对烤烟经济性状的提升效果较好,肥田萝卜在当地8月初播种,下茬烤烟移栽前90 d内全部翻压还田对烤烟经济性状的提升效果较好.

In order to explore the effects of different green manure varieties and planting time on the chemical composition of tobacco-planting soil and the yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco,the small-scale field comparison experiment was conducted in Buga and Sujiayuan Town of Zhaoyang District.The field of planting shining leaf purple flower vetch included three treatments of slack winter season(GCK),sowing on August 5th(G0)and sowing on August 20th(G15).The field of planting ryegrass included three treatments of slack winter season(HCK),sowing on August 5th(H0)and sowing on August 20th(H15).The field of planting radish included three treatments of slack winter season(FCK),sowing on August 5th(F0)and sowing on August 20th(F15).The results showed that planting three green manure varieties,shining leaf purple flower vetch,ryegrass and radish and returning them to the field had a good improvement effect on the agronomic and economic traits of flue-cured tobacco.It had a certain regulative effects on the chemical composition of tobacco-planting soil.The economic characteristics of flue-cured tobacco could be better improved by sowing shining leaf purple flower vetch and ryegrass at the end of mid August locally and returning to the field within 90 days before transplanting the next batch of flue-cured tobacco.The economic characteristics of flue-cured tobacco could be better improved by sowing radishin early August locally and returning to the field within 90 days before transplanting the next batch of flue-cured tobacco.


云南省烟草公司 昭通市公司,云南 昭通 657000云南农业大学 烟草学院,云南 昆明 650201



Flue-cured tobaccoGreen manureAgronomic charactersYield and qualityTobacco-planting soil

《江西农业学报》 2024 (002)

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