

Survival and Infectivity of ToMMV in Crop Residues


因番茄斑驳花叶病毒(ToMMV)寄主范围广,传染性和致病力强,以ToMMV为对象,对其产生的植株病残体进行了病毒分布和存活时间检测、侵染活性分析以及传毒作用测试.结果表明:烟草植株病残体的叶、茎、根中均含有病毒,ToMMV可在病残体存活较长时间,病死枯叶室温存放90 d后病毒依然存在,且仍保持侵染活性,刀片刮划枯叶模拟农事操作接毒后发现病残体具有传毒作用;ToMMV可在病残体中长时间保持侵染活力,田间病残体很可能会成为下茬作物的初侵染源;土壤无直接传毒作用,但混有病残体的土壤也可成为初侵染源,且沾染在农具表面的离体病毒依然可以在一定时间内维持侵染活力,成为潜在的初侵染源.综上,清除植株病残体(减少初侵染源)是预防和控制ToMMV传播和扩散的重要环节,生产上应给予充分重视.

Tomato mottle mosaic virus(ToMMV)is a newly occurred virus with wide host range,high infectivity and pathogenicity.In this paper,the tissue distribution and survival time,infection activity and transmission of ToMMV in plant diseased residues were analyzed.The results showed that there was the virus in the leaves,stems and roots of Nicotiana benthamiana plant diseased residues,and ToMMV could survive for a long time in the diseased residues.After 90 days of storing disease-withered leaves at room temperature,the virus still existed and maintained infectivity.Scraping withered leaves with blades to inoculate plants(simulate agricultural operations),it was found that diseased residues had a virus-transmission effect.ToMMV can maintain the infectivity in the diseased residues for a long time,so the diseased residues are likely to be the initial source of infection for the next planting in the field.The soil had no direct virus-transmission effect,but the soil mixed with diseased residues can also become an initial source of infection.In addition,the ToMMV stained on the surface of agricultural tools could still maintain infectivity for a certain time,which is a potential initial source of infection.Thus,removing plant residues(reducing the initial source of infection)is an important step in preventing and controlling the transmission and spread of ToMMV,which should be given attention in production.


辽宁师范大学 生命科学学院,辽宁 大连 116081辽宁师范大学 生命科学学院,辽宁 大连 116081||江苏省农业科学院 植物保护研究所,江苏 南京 210014江苏临溪农业发展有限公司,江苏 常州 213000江苏省农业科学院 植物保护研究所,江苏 南京 210014



Tomato mottle mosaic virusCrop residuesSurvivalInfectivity

《江西农业学报》 2024 (002)

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