

Metallogenic geological characteristics and prospecting direction of altered granite-type lithium deposit in southern margin of Jiuling,Jiangxi Province


近年来,九岭南缘同安-白水洞地区取得了重大找矿突破,发现了多处大型、超大型蚀变花岗岩型锂矿床,系统梳理该地区锂矿成矿地质特征对于总结区域成矿规律,指导下一步找矿勘查具有重要意义.笔者通过详细的野外地质调查和钻孔编录,并结合前人研究成果,将九岭南缘燕山期花岗岩划分为 4 个阶段,其岩性从老到新依次为中细-中粗粒斑状二云母二长花岗岩→中细粒含斑(少斑)二云母二长花岗岩→细粒二云母二长花岗岩→中细粒白云母二长花岗岩,各岩性之间呈明显的侵入接触关系.其中晚阶段白云母二长花岗岩与锂矿具有成矿专属性,并常超覆于其他燕山期岩体之上,内部见有早期岩体的捕虏体.以w(Li2O)≥0.20%圈定锂矿体,矿体主要分布于白水洞岩体上部的中、强钠长石化白云母二长花岗岩中,同时有少量的伟晶岩和细晶岩矿体,局部花岗岩围岩被矿化,但下部弱钠长石化白云母二长花岗岩及地表局部地段白云母二长花岗岩不含矿.锂主要赋存于锂白云母和锂云母中,脉石矿物主要为钠长石、石英、钾长石、云母等.燕山期花岗岩蚀变普遍且较强烈,蚀变类型主要有钾长石化、钠长石化、白(锂)云母化、云英岩化、黄玉化等.白(锂)云母化表现为围绕原生白云母边缘发育交代的白云母和锂云母,同时与钠长石化紧密伴生.成矿作用主要发生在碱交代阶段,局部叠加云英岩化(酸交代)阶段.上述特征表明九岭南缘蚀变花岗岩型锂矿为热液作用的碱交代阶段富集成矿.结合水系沉积物异常特征,笔者初步总结了该地区锂矿成矿要素,建立了找矿标志,并圈定了陈家里-新庵里、港口-东坑、三角岭-东窝里、张家里-窑场里等地区作为下一步重点找矿靶区,为九岭南缘蚀变花岗岩型锂矿勘查提供参考.

In recent years,the Tong'an-Baishuidong area in the southern margin of Jiuling Mountains has made a ma-jor prospecting breakthrough,and many large and super-large altered granite-type lithium deposits have been dis-covered.A systematic summarization of the geological characteristics of lithium deposits in this area is of great significance for summarizing the regional metallogenic regularity and guiding the next prospecting and explora-tion.Based on detailed field geological survey and drill core record compiling,combining with previous research results,the Yanshanian granites in the southern margin of Jiuling are divided into four stages.The lithology from old to new are medium-fine-medium-coarse grained porphyritic two-mica monzogranite→medium-fine grained porphyritic(less-porphyritic)two-mica monzogranite → fine-grained two-mica monzogranite → medium-fine grained muscovite monzogranite.There are a clear intrusive contact relationship between the lithologys.Among them,the late stage muscovite monzogranite and lithium ore have metallogenic specificity,and often overlie other Yanshanian plutons,and there are xenolith of early pluton in the interior.The lithium ore body is delineated by w(Li2O)≥0.20%,and the ore body is mainly distributed in the medium and strong albitized muscovite monzonitic granite in the upper part of Baishuidong pluton.At the same time,there are a small amount of pegmatite and ap-lite ore bodies,and local granites surrounding rock are mineralized,but the lower weakly albitized muscovite monzonitic granite and surface local area muscovite monzonitic granites do not contain ore.Lithium mainly oc-curs in lithian muscovite and lepidolite,and gangue minerals are mainly albite,quartz,potassium feldspar,mica and so on.The alteration of Yanshanian granite is common and strong,and the alteration types mainly include po-tassium feldspathization,albitization,muscovitization(muscovitization of lepidolite),greisenization and topaziza-tion.Muscovitization(muscovitization of lepidolite)is manifested as muscovite and lepidolite formed by altera-tion around the edge of primary muscovite,and is closely associated with albitization.The mineralization mainly occurred in the alkali metasomatism stage,and locally superimposed with greisenization(acid metasomatism)stage.The above characteristics indicate that the altered granite-type lithium deposits in the southern margin of Jiul-ing are enriched and mineralized in the alkali metasomatic stage of hydrothermal action.Combined with the charac-teristics of stream sediment anomalies,the metallogenic elements of lithium deposits in this area were preliminarily summarized,and the prospecting signs were established.Chenjiali-Xin'anli,Gangkou-Dongkeng,Sanjiaoling-Dongwoli,Zhangjiali-Yaochangli and other places were delineated as the next key prospecting targets,which point-ed out the direction for the exploration of altered granite-type lithium deposits in the southern margin of Jiuling.


江西省地质调查勘查院基础地质调查所,江西南昌 330030江西省地质局第一地质大队,江西南昌 330052江西省地质局生态地质大队,江西南昌 330030江西省地质局,江西南昌 330036江西省地质调查勘查院,江西南昌 330009



lithium orealtered granite-typemetallogenic geological characteristicsalbitizationalterationalkali metasomatismprospecting directionsouthern margin of Jiuling range

《矿床地质》 2024 (002)

244-264 / 21


