

Preparation of Iron Based Carbon Aluminum Catalyst and Its Catalytic for Hydrogen Production from Corn Straw Pyrolysis


以生物质玉米秸秆(CS)为原料,将废弃铝灰(WA)活化处理后得到的活化铝灰(AWA)作为载体,Fe为活性组分,采用水热炭化法(HTC)制备铁基碳铝催化剂(Fe/CS-AWA)并用于催化CS热解制氢.在探讨了Fe负载量对催化剂性能影响的基础上,进一步采用响应面(RSM)法优化了水热炭化条件对Fe/CS-AWA结构性质和催化CS热解制氢的影响规律.研究结果表明:与CS热解相比,AWA和CS混合水热炭化作为催化剂使CS热解产氢能力提高了 19.11 mL/g;更重要的是Fe提高了CS-AWA的催化活性,且负载量为10%时,气体总产率为160.93 mL/g,氢气占比为39.96%.经RSM优化后的最佳工艺条件为:mAWA∶mCS为2∶1、250℃停留时间60 min、炭化温度500℃.此工况下制备的Fe/CS-AWA催化CS热解的气体总产率为267.43 mL/g,H2 占比达37.80%.表征发现,Fe/CS-AWA表面形成了不规则的铁碳化物和Al—O—C中间体,提高了Fe/CS-AWA的催化作用.

An iron-based carbon-aluminum catalyst(Fe/CS-AWA)was prepared using hydrothermal carbonization(HTC)method,using corn stover(CS)biomass as the raw material,activated aluminum ash(AWA)activated by waste aluminum ash(WA)as a carrier and Fe as the active component.The Fe/CS-AWA was applied in catalyzing the pyrolysis of CS for hydrogen production.By investigating the influence of Fe loading on the catalyst performance,the hydrothermal carbonization conditions on the structural properties of Fe/CS-AWA and the effect of catalytic CS pyrolysis on hydrogen production were further optimized using response surface methodology(RSM).The results indicated that compared with CS pyrolysis,AWA and CS mixed hydrothermal carbonization as a catalyst increased the hydrogen production capacity of CS pyrolysis by 19.11 mL/g.More importantly,Fe enhanced the catalytic activity of CS-AWA,with a gas total yield of 160.93 mL/g and hydrogen proportion of 39.96%when the Fe loading was 10%.The optimized process conditions from RSM were as follows:mAWA∶mCS of 2∶1,residence time of 60 min at 250℃,and a carbonization temperature of 500℃.Under these conditions,the gas total yield for Fe/CS-AWAcatalyzing CS pyrolysis was 267.43 mL/g,with a H2 proportion of 37.80%.It was found that characterization revealed the formation of irregular iron carbides and Al—O—C intermediates on the surface of Fe/CS-AWA,enhancing the catalytic activity of Fe/CS-AWA.


常州大学 城乡矿山研究院||常州市生物质绿色安全高值利用技术重点实验室,江苏 常州 213164常州大学 城乡矿山研究院||常州市生物质绿色安全高值利用技术重点实验室,江苏 常州 213164||华东理工大学 资源与环境工程学院,上海 200237常州大学 城乡矿山研究院||常州市生物质绿色安全高值利用技术重点实验室,江苏 常州 213164常州大学 城乡矿山研究院||常州市生物质绿色安全高值利用技术重点实验室,江苏 常州 213164常州大学 城乡矿山研究院||常州市生物质绿色安全高值利用技术重点实验室,江苏 常州 213164常州大学 城乡矿山研究院||常州市生物质绿色安全高值利用技术重点实验室,江苏 常州 213164



aluminum ashhydrothermal carboncarbon aluminum catalystresponse surface methodhydrogen production through pyrolysis

《林产化学与工业》 2024 (2)



