

Thrust Distribution and Force Analysis of Double Row Anti-slip Piles with Different Row Spacing


基于乌江双线大桥岸坡支护工程,通过数值模拟计算,研究在复杂地质条件下,不同排距的双排抗滑桩推力分配和受力特征.结果表明:当抗滑桩排距大于17.00 m时,前排桩受到的滑坡推力和桩前抗力均大于后排桩,推力和抗力分配不均匀,该支护排距设置不合理;当桩排距小于17.00m时,前排桩受到的桩后推力和桩前抗力与后排桩近似相等,两桩受力均匀,说明在此范围内设置双排桩较合理;当前排桩与后排桩排距为8.50m时,从受力和桩顶位移角度分析,两桩排距合理,且更方便工程施工.按排距8.50m施工完成后,边坡处于稳定状态.

Base on the bank slope support project of Wujiang Double-line Bridge,the thrust distribution and force characteristics of double-row anti-slide piles with different row spacing under complex geological conditions are studied by numerical simulation.The results show that:when the row spacing of anti-slide piles is greater than 17.0 m,the landslide thrust and pre-pile resistance of the front row piles are greater than those of the back row piles,and the distribution of the thrust and resistance is not uniform.The support row spacing is not reasonable.When the pile row spacing is less than 17.0 m,the pile front thrust and pile back resistance of the front row piles and the back row piles are approximately equal,and the two piles are subjected to uniform force,which indicates that it is more reasonable to set double-row piles within the range.When the row spacing between the front row piles and the back row piles is 8.50 m,from the point of view of the force and the pile top displacement,the two piles are reasonably spaced and it is more convenient for the engineering construction,and after the construction is completed within row spacing of 8.50 m,the slope is in a stable state.


中铁二院工程集团有限责任公司,成都 610031中国五冶集团有限公司,成都 610063



different row spacingdouble row anti slip pilessupport comparison and selectiondisplacementthrust distributionstability

《路基工程》 2024 (002)

131-137 / 7

