

In-situ stress and fracture pressure of coal reservoir in Shizhuangnan Block and their coupling relations


以柿庄南区块 112 口煤层气井为研究对象,采用水力压裂法计算煤储层地应力,获取了研究区地应力及破裂压力展布特征,分别建立了破裂压力与水平主应力、有效应力之间的相关模型,揭示了该区块 3 号煤储层地应力与破裂压力之间的耦合关系,并剖析了地应力对破裂压力的影响.研究结果表明:柿庄南区块 3 号煤储层整体为中等至高应力区,地应力场类型在垂向上发生转换,埋深 400~640 m区域以逆断层应力场型为主,640~810 m区域以走滑断层应力场型为主,810 m以深区域以正断层应力场型为主;侧压系数一般为 0.38~1.99,埋深 600 m以浅区域,绝大多数大于 1,埋深 600~800 m区域,侧压系数为 0.52~1.93,埋深 800 m以深区域,侧压系数均小于 1;该区块破裂压力为 12.89~36.10 MPa,破裂压力梯度为 1.47~6.09 MPa/hm,破裂压力与埋深呈现反"S"形变化,810 m以浅破裂压力离散性较大,整体与埋深呈现负相关,810 m以深破裂压力与埋深呈现正相关;该区块最大水平主应力、最小水平主应力及其各自应力梯度与煤储层破裂压力在一定程度上呈现正相关,但相关性不强;同一埋深条件下,破裂压力随着水平主应力的变化而变化,但最小水平主应力对破裂压力的影响明显大于最大水平主应力;煤储层破裂压力与水平主应力差呈反"N"形变化,与有效应力呈正相关;在水平应力差为 2~4 MPa时,破裂压力随应力差的增大而减小;在水平应力差为 4~8 MPa时,破裂压力随应力差的增大而增大;当水平应力差高于 8 MPa时,破裂压力随应力差的增大而减小.

In order to study the relations between in-situ stress and fracture pressure,112 vertical coalbed methane wells were selec-ted as the research object in Shizhuangnan Block.The in-situ stress and fracture pressure were obtained by hydraulic fracturing cal-culation method.The correlation models between the fracture pressure and the horizontal principal stress and effective stress were es-tablished respectively.The characteristics of the in-situ stress and fracture pressure of the No.3 coal reservoir were revealed.The re-lationships between in-situ stress and fracture pressure were analyzed.The results show that the No.3 coal reservoir in Shizhangnan Block was a medium-high stress area as a whole and the stress field types were converted in the vertical direction.The stress field in the buried depth within 400-640 m area was a reverse fault stress field,the stress field in the buried depth within 640-810 m area was a strike-slip fault stress field and the stress field in the buried depth deeper than 810 m area was a normal fault stress field.The side pressure coefficient was 0.38-1.99.With a burial depth lower than 600 m,most side pressure coefficient was greater than 1;within 600-800 m,the side pressure coefficient was 0.52-1.93,and within the depth deeper than 800 m was less than 1.The fracture pres-sure was 12.89-36.10 MPa and its gradient was 1.47-6.09 MPa/hm.The fracture pressure and the buried depth showed a reversed S-shaped change.It had a large discreteness with a burial depth lower than 810 m,which was negatively correlated with the buried depth as a whole.The fracture pressure was positively correlated with the buried depth deeper than 810 m.To some extent,the max-imum horizontal principal stress,minimum horizontal principal stress and their stress gradient were positively correlated to the frac-ture pressure of coal reservoir,but the correlation was not too strong.Under the same buried depth,the fracture pressure varied with the horizontal stress,but the influence of the minimum horizontal principal stress on the fracture pressure was obviously greater than that of the maximum horizontal principal stress.The fracture pressure and the horizontal stress deviation showed a reversed N-shaped change,and it had positive correlation with effective stress.The fracture pressure decreased with the increase of the stress deviation when the horizontal stress deviation was 2-4 MPa.The fracture pressure increases with the increase of the stress deviation when the horizontal stress deviation was 4-8 MPa.The fracture pressure decreases with the increase of the stress deviation when the stress dif-ference was higher than 8 MPa.


河南省煤炭地质勘察研究总院,河南 郑州 450052煤炭科学研究总院,北京 100013||煤炭科学技术研究院有限公司,北京 100013煤炭科学技术研究院有限公司,北京 100013中联煤层气有限责任公司,北京 100015



Shizhuangnan Blockcoal reservoirhydraulic fracturingin-situ stressfracture pressureeffective stress

《煤矿安全》 2024 (004)

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