

Properties of CO2 adsorption and migration during carbon sequestration in confined spaces


煤储层注CO2 过程中,CO2 的扩散和吸附进展缓慢,不同注气压力下吸附-运移时效特征对设计煤层封存CO2 具有重要影响.因此,采用双能X射线CT扫描,并计算分析了煤储层在围压下注气前后煤心密度变化和CO2 浓度.研究结果表明:在煤心的不同区域,气体以不同的速度运移,扩散和吸附进展缓慢;煤心中平均CO2 浓度随时间和CO2 注入压力的增加而增加,CO2 浓度从注气端向出口段沿煤心轴向几乎单调下降;煤心中CO2 浓度分布不均匀,煤心密度较高区域CO2 浓度越低(矿物质影响),煤基质密度较小处CO2 浓度越高.

During the process of injecting CO2 into coal reservoirs,the diffusion and adsorption of CO2 are slow process,and the ad-sorption and migration time characteristics under different injection pressures have a significant impact on the design of coal seam CO2 storage.Therefore,dual energy X-ray CT scanning was used to calculate and analyze the changes of coal core density and CO2 concentration before and after gas injection in coal reservoirs under confining pressure.The results show that in different regions of coal core,gas migrates at different speed conditions,and diffusion and adsorption progress are slow.The average CO2 concentration in the coal core increases with the increase of time and CO2 injection pressure,and the CO2 concentration almost monotonically de-creases along the axial direction of coal core from gas injection end to outlet section.The distribution of CO2 concentration in coal core is uneven.The lower the CO2 concentration in areas with high core density(mineral influence)is,the higher the CO2 concentra-tion in areas with low coal matrix density is.


黄河交通学院 交通工程学院,河南 焦作 454000



CO2 adsorptioncoal reservoirsCO2 storageCO2 migrationgas injection pressureconfining pressureCT scan

《煤矿安全》 2024 (004)

26-32 / 7


