

Optimization inversion of offshore wind turbine with bucket foundation


文章基于结构荷载安全裕度概念,针对海上风电筒型基础结构开展基于荷载安全裕度的结构优化反演设计,在保证结构强度和稳定性要求的同时,减少材料用量,优化体型以降低结构造价.基于粒子群优化算法和有限元方法,建立海上风电筒型基础结构优化反演分析模型与计算流程,分别取 1.10,1.20 和 1.30 3 个设计荷载安全裕度值,对原筒型基础结构进行优化设计.结果表明:基于 3个安全裕度反演的基础结构各项指标均满足设计要求,说明在考虑安全裕度后,优化结构仍具有较高的安全储备,为海上风电结构优化设计提供了新的思路.

Based on the concept of load safety margin,the structure optimization inversion design was complemented for one offshore wind turbine supported by bucket foundation in order to reduce the amount of materials and structural cost while ensuring the strength and stability requirements of the structure.Hence,the optimization feedback analysis model and calculation process of offshore wind turbine supported by bucket foundation has been established and the origin bucket foundation was optimization design considering the three safety margin values of 1.10,1.20 and 1.30.It can be seen in the results that the optimized foundation structure still has a better safety reserve after considering the safety margin with the design indicators of the bucket foundation structure,which all can meet the design requirements.This research provides a new idea for the optimization design of offshore wind turbine structure.


响水长江风力发电有限公司,江苏 盐城 224600天津大学 建筑工程学院,天津 300072



offshore wind turbinebucket foundationfeedback analysisstructural optimizationsafety margin

《可再生能源》 2024 (004)

499-505 / 7

