

Numerical Simulation of Two-Phase Flow Based on High-Order Discontinuous Galerkin Method


基于高阶间断伽辽金方法对可压缩两相流问题进行了数值求解.计算区域采用非结构网格划分,对于欧拉方程以及Level Set方程分别使用牛顿法以及龙格库塔方法进行迭代求解,并通过统一算法进行数据交换,实现统一框架下Level Set方程在可压缩流场中的求解.最后,通过经典二维算例对本文所提算法展开验证.通过Zalesak圆盘等算例验证了算法的高分辨率、质量守恒性及其在处理大变形问题上的优势,然后对左行激波通过氦气气泡的数值模拟,验证了本文算法对流场两相流界面复杂形状的高精度捕捉能力.

The compressible two-phase flow problem is numerically solved based on the high order discontinuous Galerkin method.The calculation area is divided into unstructured grids,the Euler equation and the Level Set equation are solved iteratively by Newton method and Runge Kutta method,respectively.And the unified algorithm is used for data exchange to realize the solution of the Level Set equation in the compressible flow field under the unified framework.Finally,the algorithm developed in this paper is validated by a classical 2-D example.The Zalesak disk and other examples are given to verify the high resolution of algorithm,mass conservation and advantages in dealing with large deformation problems.Then,the numerical simulation of left-running shock wave by helium bubble verifies the high accuracy of the algorithm in capturing the complex shape of the two-phase flow interface in the flow field.


南京航空航天大学航空学院,南京 210016

间断伽辽金可压缩流场两相流Level Set界面捕捉

discontinuous Galerkincompressible flow fieldtwo-phase flowLevel Setinterface capturing

《南京航空航天大学学报》 2024 (002)

273-280 / 8

