

Observational analysis of the topographic effect of Mount Tai on an extreme rainfall event occurring at the edge of the subtropical high


利用区域加密自动气象站、雷达、风廓线及卫星等观测资料,分析了 2022年秋季山东一次极端大暴雨事件中泰山山脉周围的降水分布及其产生这种分布的可能原因.结果表明:(1)这次山东大暴雨事件发生在对流层中、低层为强盛偏南气流的背景下,强降水时段集中在 2022年 10月 1日 23时至 2日 02时(北京时,下同),100 mm等雨量线呈"反弓形"横亘在泰山北侧与西侧,并各自伴有超 170 mm的降水中心,而泰山南侧降水反而明显偏弱.(2)大暴雨分布带与地面上的中尺度涡旋-辐合线对应:泰山西侧的中尺度涡旋是山脉北侧冷性绕流与南侧暖性绕流相遇而形成的,导致泰山西侧出现强降水中心,降水呈单峰型;山脉北侧的辐合线长时间维持与重建过程,造成泰山北侧降水时间更长,累计降水量更大,小时降水量呈双峰型.(3)泰山北侧观测站的两个降水峰值与雷达反射率因子的两条平行回波带对应:位于泰山北坡处于长时间准静止状态的第一条回波带,与泰山北侧水平涡度环流的上升支气流对应,其形成机制是夜间具有强垂直切变特征的越山西南低空急流和近地面层受到山脉阻滞的东北气流构成的水平涡度强烈发展和维持的结果;第二条降水回波带与弱冷空气云系对应,当其靠近泰山北侧时受到越山西南低空气流背风坡上升支的影响,出现雷达反射率因子增强现象,与之对应的地面风场特征表征为辐合线的重建过程.(4)在泰山西侧,地面辐合线在低空冷空气的驱动下向东南方向移动,致使回波带逐渐演变成"反弓形",造成强雨带也呈"反弓形"分布;而泰山南侧处于具有强烈垂直切变低空急流形成的水平涡度的下沉支控制下,因而降水量相较泰山北侧和西侧明显偏小.

Intense observations of precipitation around the Mount Tai during an extreme heavy rain event in autumn 2022 in Shandong province by regional automatic weather stations,radars,wind profilers and satellites are analyzed and possible reasons for the precipitation distribution are explored.The results are as follows:(1)The heavy rain event in Shandong occurred under the background of strong southerly flow in the middle and lower troposphere,and the period of heavy rainfall was concentrated from 23:00 BT 1 October to 02:00 BT the next day.The 100 mm rainfall contour showed a"reverse bow"shape,stretching across the north and west sides of the Mount Tai,with over 170 mm of precipitation at each center.In contrast,rainfall on the south side of the Mount Tai was significantly weaker.(2)Heavy rain belts corresponded to the convergence line-mesoscale vortex system on the ground.The mesoscale vortex on the west side of the Mount Tai formed due to the encounter of the cold flow around the north side of the mountain and the warm flow around the south side.It resulted in a strong precipitation center with single-peak precipitation on the west side of the Mount Tai.The convergence line on the north side of the mountain was sustained and rebuilt,resulting in longer precipitation time and greater accumulated precipitation on the north side of Mount Tai.Hourly precipitation on the north side exhibited a double peak pattern.(3)The two precipitation peaks observed on the north side of the Mount Tai corresponded to the two parallel echo bands of radar reflectivity.The first echo band was located on the north slope of the Mount Tai and remained quasi-stationary for a long time,which corresponded to the ascending branch of the horizontal vorticity circulation on the north side of the Mount Tai.Its formation mechanism is the strong development and maintenance of horizontal vorticity due to the southwesterly low-level jet with strong vertical shear and the northeasterly airflow obstructed by the mountain at low levels in nighttime.The second precipitation echo band corresponded to a cold front cloud system.When it approached the north side of the Mount Tai,it was influenced by the leeward upslope southwesterly low-level airflow,resulting in an increase in the radar reflectivity factor.The corresponding ground wind field was featured by a reconstruction process of the convergence line.(4)On the west side of the Mount Tai,the ground convergence line moved southeastward under the drive of low-level cold air,causing the echo band to gradually evolve into a"reverse bow"shape and the heavy rain band also exhibited a"reverse bow"distribution.The south side of the Mount Tai is located under the subsidence branch of the horizontal vorticity formed by strong vertical shear low-level jet,where precipitation was significantly less compared to that in the north and west sides.





Mount Tai rangeCircumferential motionLow-level jetHorizontal vorticity circulation

《气象学报》 2024 (002)

155-167 / 13


