

Research Progress on Material Removal Non-Uniformity in Silicon Carbide Chemical Mechanical Polishing



Chemical mechanical polishing(CMP)has become a critical process step in semiconductor manufacturing.This technique is a commonly used and effective method for achieving ultra-precision processing of silicon carbide wafers,playing a key role in the fabrication of semiconductor devices.CMP is employed to process the wafer surface,resulting in high material removal rates,excellent surface quality,and superior surface planarity of the chips.However,in the CMP of silicon carbide(SiC)wafers,the non-uniformity of material removal on the chip surface has been a challenging issue.Reducing the non-uniformity of material removal is essential for ensuring the high performance and stability of semiconductor devices.This article introduces the properties and applications of silicon carbide,along with the CMP process.It investigates the material removal mechanisms of different CMP techniques for silicon carbide,explores the development status of various CMP technologies,and evaluates the performance and pros and cons of different CMP techniques.The article provides an overview of the factors influencing material removal non-uniformity in CMP of silicon carbide wafers,including factors such as polishing pressure,polishing slurry(abrasives),and rotation speed.Finally,the article provides prospects for future research on material removal non-uniformity in silicon carbide CMP.


中电建(西安)港航船舶科技有限公司,西安 710100西安交通大学现代设计及转子轴承系统教育部重点实验室,西安 710049上海船舶设备研究所,上海 200031



silicon carbidechemical mechanical polishingmaterial removalpolishing pressurepolishing slurrypolishing pad

《人工晶体学报》 2024 (004)

585-599 / 15

