

Analysis on Water Environment Meeting National Standard of Yaoshi River Basin in Anyue County


对安岳县姚市河流域主要河流水环境现状进行全面调查,弄清河流水污染成因,针对性提出可行的水生态环境保护措施,推动入河污染物削减,实现国控、市控及加密监测断面水质持续改善.通过控制单元划分、污染源调查与环境问题分析、环境容量计算,计算基于断面水质达标的入河污染物削减量.根据计算,双河口断面控制单元需要削减COD 23.39t/a,NH3-N 0.56t/a;长河大桥断面控制单元需要削减COD 64.25t/a,削减NH3-N 7.62t/a;红岩嘴码头断面控制单元需要削减COD 14.54t/a;通贤河控制单元需要削减NH3-N 1.87t/a;白沙断面控制单元需要削减COD 26.41t/a.建议从提升城镇污水治理效能、推进农村水环境治理、控制农业面源污染、开展水生态保护修复、加强水资源生态流量保障、严格环境执法监管及联防联治等几个方面对姚市河流域进行综合治理,估算每年可削减入河COD 229.09t、NH3-N21.31t、TP3.53t,全面推进安岳县姚市河流域地表水环境质量达标,实现生态环境与社会经济可持续发展.

This study comprehensively investigated the current status of the water environment of Yaoshi River Basin in Anyue County,explored the causes of river water pollution,and put forward feasible water ecological environmental protection measures to promote the reduction of pollutants inputted into the river,and continuously improve the water quality in the state-controlled,city-controlled and densified monitoring sections.Through the division of control units,pollution source investigation,environmental issue analysis,and environmental capacity calculation,the reduction of pollutants inputted into the river based on the up-to-standard water quality of the sections.According to the calculation,the control unit of Shuanghekou section needs to reduce 23.39 t/a COD and 0.56 t/a NH3-N.The control unit of Changhe River Bridge section needs to reduce 64.25 t/a COD and 7.62 t/a NH3-N.The control unit of Hongyanzui Wharf needs to reduce 14.54 t/a COD.The control unit of Tongxian River needs to reduce 1.87 t/a NH3-N.The control unit of Baisha section needs to reduce 26.41 t/a COD.It is suggested to apply comprehensive treatment to the Yaoshi River in Anyue County from perspectives of improving the efficiency of urban sewage treatment,promoting rural water environment management,controlling agricultural non-point source pollution,carrying out water ecological protection and restoration,strengthening ecological flow guarantee of water resources,applying strict supervision on enforcement of environmental law and joint prevention & control.As estimated,these can reduce 229.09 t of COD,21.31 t of NH3-N and 3.53 t of TP inputted into the river every year,so as to comprehensively improve the water quality of Yaoshi River,and realize the sustainable development of ecological environment and social economy of the basin.


四川省生态环境科学研究院,成都 610041四川省环保科技工程有限责任公司,成都 610041



Anyue CountyYaoshi Riverup-to-standardmeasures and suggestions

《四川环境》 2024 (002)

23-29 / 7


