

Current Situation of Water Ecological Environment and Protection Strategies of Mahu Lake in Leibo County,Sichuan Province


马湖是与邛海、泸沽湖齐名的四川省第三大天然高原湖泊,为探明马湖水生态环境现状,对马湖流域水质时空分布、污染源情况和水生态环境风险进行分析,并提出保护对策措施.结果表明,马湖流域水质状况总体保持良好,湖区北部、中部的水质优于南部区域的;湖区水体综合营养状态指数TLI值平均为26.24,浮游植物群落结构以蓝藻、硅藻、绿藻、隐藻类为主,细胞密度4.89 ×105~8.99 × 105个/L,叶绿素a浓度≤ 3 μg/L,可见马湖处于贫营养状态,水体清洁;源清单分析表明流域内农业种植是主要污染源,污染物排放总量为化学需氧量42.1 t/a,氨氮6.8 t/a,总氮78.1 t/a,总磷3.3 t/a.总体看来,湖区南部的入湖河流是马湖主要的污染输入通道,湖区水体对污染物具有较好的净化作用,但马湖风景名胜区旅游业不断发展,将加剧流域水生态环境压力.因此,为了加强马湖优良水体保护和管理,应以规划为引领,推进水生态功能区划,进一步提高流域系统治理水平.

Mahu Lake is the third largest natural plateau lake in Sichuan Province,which is on a par with Qionghai Lake and Lugu Lake.In order to explore the current water ecological environment of Mahu Lake,the water quality,pollution sources and water ecological environment risks of Mahu Basin were analyzed,and protection measures were put forward.The results showed that the water quality of Mahu Basin was generally good,and the water quality in the north and middle of the lake was better than that in the south.The comprehensive trophic level index(TLI)value of the lake water was 26.24 on average.The phytoplankton community was dominated by Cyanophyta,Bacillariophyta,Chlorophyta,and Cryptophyta.The cell density was 4.89 × 105~8.99 × 105 cells/L,and the concentration of chlorophyll a was less than 3 μg/L,indicating that Mahu Lake was in an oligotrophic state and the water was quite clean.The source inventory analysis revealed that agricultural planting was the main pollution source in the basin,and the total pollutant emissions was 42.1 t/a for chemical oxygen demand,6.8 t/a for ammonia nitrogen,78.1 t/a for total nitrogen and 3.3 t/a for total phosphorus.In general,the inflow rivers in the southern part of the lake were the main input route of pollution to Mahu Lake,and the water in the lake had a good purification effect on the pollutants.However,the continuous development of tourism in the Mahu Scenic Area would intensify the pressure of water ecological environment in the basin.Therefore,in order to strengthen the protection and management of the good water body in Mahu Lake,we should take the planning as the guide,promote the division of water ecological functional zones,and improve the management level of the whole basin.


四川省生态环境科学研究院,成都 610041



Plateau lakesspatial analysisnutritional statuspollution sourcesprotection measures

《四川环境》 2024 (002)

45-53 / 9


