

Influence of Small Clearance Shield Tunnel Passing through Subway Stations on Surface Settlement and Deformation of the Side Walls of Shank Section Structure


为研究小净距盾构隧道侧穿地铁车站对地表沉降及刀把段结构侧墙变形的影响规律,依托长沙轨道 7 号线云环区间段,对盾构施工引起的地表沉降和刀把段侧墙位移进行持续监测,采用有限元软件,分析在袖阀管注浆加固条件下侧墙的变形和应力特征,研究不同地层损失率条件下地表和侧墙的变形规律及不同侧墙厚度条件下侧墙的应力规律.结果表明,袖阀管注浆加固土体能有效减小由盾构施工引起的侧墙变形和应力;地表沉降和侧墙位移随着地层损失率的增加呈递增的趋势;侧墙厚度设置为 800 mm 时,侧墙所受拉应力可以控制在 C40 混凝土抗拉强度标准值之内.

In order to study the influence of the structure of shank handle section of a small distance shield tunnel passing through a subway station on surface settlement and side wall deformation,the Yun-Huan section project of Changsha Metro Line 7 is taken as the study object.The continuous monitoring is carried out on the surface settlement and side wall displacement caused by shield construction,and the finite element software is used to analyze the deformation and stress characteristics of the side wall under the condition of sleeve valve pipe grouting reinforcement for studying the deformation law of the surface and side wall under different ground loss ratio and the stress law of the side wall under different side wall thickness conditions.The results show that,(a)the sleeve valve pipe grouting reinforcement can effectively reduce the deformation and stress of the side walls caused by shield tunneling construction;(b)the surface settlement and side wall displacement show an increasing trend with the increase of ground loss ratio;and(c)when the thickness of the side wall is set to 800 mm,the tensile stress on the side wall can be controlled within the standard value of C40 concrete tensile strength.


长沙理工大学土木工程学院, 湖南 长沙 410114||深圳大学土木与交通工程学院, 广东 深圳 518061长沙理工大学土木工程学院, 湖南 长沙 410114



metro shield tunnelsmall clearanceshank section structureground loss rationumerical analysissurface settlementside wall deformation

《水力发电》 2024 (005)

32-37,109 / 7

