

Establishment of ecological farms in the development of ecological agriculture:historical perspective,current progress,and future outlook



The construction of ecological farms has a profound significance in the development of ecological agriculture in China.This study reviewed the domestic and international developmental trajectory of ecological agriculture and ecological farm concepts as well as policy practices.By applying the bibliometric method,this study conducted a thorough analysis of the differences in themes and publication numbers across domestic and international studies on ecologcial agriculture over the years.Additionally,this study highlighted advancements and frontiers in related researches,particularly emphasizing the development of ecological agricultural models,sustainability of ecological agriculture,scale of ecological farms,and advancements in understanding the role of ecological agriculture in mitigating and adapting to climate change.Finally,the study offered comprehensive recommendations for the establish-ment of ecological farms in China,leveraging the insights gained from the information.The findings were as follows:1)Although the research and practice of ecological agriculture in China started late,it had experienced rapid development,forming an integrated eco-logical agriculture development system that encompassed"concept-research-practice-policy".2)Over the past 30 years,global in-terest in ecological agriculture and ecological farms had seen an exponential rise.However,a decline had been observed in the quant-ity and quality of the literatures published in Chinese journals since 2017.3)From the perspective of research themes,both the re-searches on eco-agriculture in China and global researches contributing to international journals commonly addressed issues such as"climate change"and"ecological risks",while domestic journals tended to concentrate more on specific policy implementation tar-gets such as"ecological farm""family farm"and"leisure agriculture".4)Previous research on the impact of ecological agriculture on sustainability and the environment had provided evidence supporting its positive effects on various fronts,such as farmers'nutrition-al inputs and incomes,preservation and restoration of ecosystem services,and soil carbon sequestration.In the context of the farm scale,the consensus among most studies focusing on small farm households was that larger farms exhibited poorer agricultural pro-duction performance but better environmental performance.Additionally,concerning ecological agriculture models,scholars had con-ventionally employed qualitative pattern determination centered on specific agricultural or farm characteristics,relying on subjective evaluation methods.However,modern theories and methods such as unsupervised machine learning had provided an alternative ap-proach that enables quantitative and objective determination.5)Despite this,research gaps persisted both domestically and interna-tionally,particularly in areas such as quantitative assessments of ecological agriculture models,the relationship between ecological agriculture measures and their impact on food production,the connection between farm scale and performance,and the effectiveness of ecological agriculture measures in mitigating and adapting to climate change.Based on these insights,this study proposed the fol-lowing strategic recommendations to promote and advance the establishment of ecological farms in China:prioritizing theoretical re-search and technological development in the field of ecological farming,strengthening top-level policy design for constructing ecolo-gical farms,establishing robust monitoring mechanisms for policy implementation,and emphasizing the creation of brands and pro-moting ecological farm development to enhance public awareness of these type of farms.


中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 北京 100101||联合国环境规划署国际生态系统管理伙伴计划 北京 100101中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 北京 100101联合国环境规划署国际生态系统管理伙伴计划 北京 100101农业农村部农业生态与资源保护总站 北京 100125



Ecological agricultureEcological farmPolicy evolutionSustainabilityClimate change

《中国生态农业学报(中英文)》 2024 (004)

701-712 / 12

国家自然科学基金项目(72374190,41901255)和可桢秉维青年人才项目(2023RC003)资助 This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(72374190,41901255)and the Young Talents Project of Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences(2023RC003).

