

Response mechanisms of woody plants to drought stress:a review based on plant hydraulic traits


干旱最显著的影响表现在区域尺度的森林死亡事件中,可以在短时间内杀死数百万棵树木.鉴于未来极端干旱事件的频率和强度可能随温度的升高而增加,迫切需要明确树木对干旱胁迫的响应对策以及衰退死亡机理,揭示木本植物在干旱环境中存活和死亡的生理机制,了解树木在未来气候下的适应机制,提高预测树木对干旱反应的准确性.在常用植物功能性状的基础上,重点纳入与植物水分运输能力及耐旱性相关的水力学性状,系统总结了:1)植物木质部水分运输的物理机制;2)植物应对干旱胁迫的水力响应过程:3)干旱胁迫下木本植物水分利用对策;以及 4)干旱胁迫下木本植物衰退/死亡机理.最后,提出3 个尚待解决的主要问题:1)加强纳入水力性状阐明植物对干旱胁迫的响应和调节机制;2)加强从全株植物的角度考虑植物不同组织性状间的关系;3)深入探究树木干旱致死机理.

The most notable effects of drought are manifested in regional-scale forest mortality events,which can kill millions of trees in a short time,further affecting regional climate and ecosystem structure and function.Given that the frequency and intensity of extreme drought events in the future may increase with increasing temperature,it is urgent to clarify the response strategies of trees to drought stress and the mechanisms of their survival and death,reveal the physiological mechanism of woody plants in arid environment,understand the adaptation mechanism of trees in future climates,and improve the accuracy of predicting the response of trees to drought stress.Plant functional traits refer to the morphological,physiological,or phenological characteristics of plants at the individual level,which indirectly affect the performance of plants by directly affecting the growth,survival or reproduction of plants,and at the same time reflect the long-term adaptation of plants to the growth environment.Plant functional traits and their variation regulations can be used to explain the adaptive mechanism and functional optimization mechanism of plants to the environment,and help to predict the response of trees to drought.Compared with commonly used plant functional traits,hydraulic traits may better describe the response of trees to drought stress.On the basis of common plant functional traits,we increased the hydraulic traits which are related to water transport capacity and drought tolerance and systematically summarized:1)the physical mechanism of long-distance water transport in xylem;2)phases of drought stress and the response of plants;3)plasticity in plant functional traits and water regulation strategies:Isohydric regulation strategy and anisohydric regulation strategy,xylem efficiency-safety trade-off strategy,conservative water use strategy and risk-taking water use strategy;and 4)mechanisms of drought-related mortality:hydraulic failure hypothesis,carbon starvation hypothesis and biotic agents hypothesis.Finally,three main problems were put forward to be solved:1)strengthening the inclusion of hydraulic traits to clarify the response and regulation mechanism of plants to drought stress,understanding and predicting plant survival,growth,distribution and death in the context of global change.2)strengthening the consideration of the relationship between different plant tissue traits from the perspective of the whole plant,revealing the distribution characteristics of plants in the ecosystem,and predicting community composition;3)the precise physiological mechanism behind tree death is still unclear,future studies need to further explore the mechanisms of drought-related mortality.


中国科学院西北生态环境资源研究院,兰州 730000||中国科学院大学,北京 100049中国科学院西北生态环境资源研究院,兰州 730000||中国科学院大学,北京 100049||中国科学院西北生态环境资源研究院奈曼沙漠化研究站,通辽 028300


woody plantsdrought stresshydraulic traitswater regulation strategiesdrought-related mortality mechanisms

《生态学报》 2024 (007)


2688-2705 / 18


