

Mechanism of CMV Intervention in Peach Aphid Population Growth by Influencing the Expression of Effector MpC002


[目的]桃蚜是CMV的重要传毒媒介,效应因子MpC002 在桃蚜取食寄主过程中发挥关键作用,CMV和MpC002均存在于蚜虫唾液中,但两者如何相互作用从而利于病毒传播知之甚少.为探讨CMV影响MpC002表达干预桃蚜种群增长的机制.[方法]利用绝对定量的qPCR法建立CMV拷贝数检测的标准曲线方程y=-3.163 1x+39.763.[结果]桃蚜取食CMV感染辣椒 10 s体内CMV含量最高,然后随着取食时间的延长CMV含量不断降低,其获毒过程符合非持久性传毒特征.取食CMV感染辣椒 5 min-24 h的桃蚜MpC002表达量显著降低至取食前的 37%-58%;取食CMV感染辣椒的 3 龄、4 龄若蚜和 1-4 龄若蚜的平均发育历期分别为 1.58 d、2.07 d和 6.47 d,显著长于取食未处理辣椒的 1.25 d、1.47 d和 5.33 d,但 1 龄和 2 龄若蚜发育历期在CMV感染辣椒和未处理辣椒间无显著差异;平均产蚜期、总产蚜量和单日平均产蚜量分别为 10.03 d、16.87 头和 1.67 头,显著短于取食未处理辣椒桃蚜的 14.27 d,39.73 头和 2.82 头;净增殖率、内禀增长率、周限增长率分别为 16.87、0.21、1.24,均显著低于取食未处理辣椒桃蚜的 39.73、0.31、1.36,平均世代周期(13.02 d)和种群加倍时间(3.26 d)均显著长于取食未处理辣椒桃蚜的 12.00 d和 2.30 d.[结论]CMV能显著抑制桃蚜MpC002的表达,从而延长其发育历期和降低其繁殖,最终抑制其种群的增长.

[Objective]Peach aphid(Myzus persicae)is an important vector of cucumber mosaic virus(CMV),and the effector MpC002 plays a key role in the feeding process.CMV and MpC002 are both present in aphid saliva,but little is known about their interaction and how MpC002 facilitate virus transmission.Therefore,this study aims to preliminarily investigate the mechanism by which CMV influences the expression of MpC002 for interfering the population growth of GPA.[Method]The CMV copy number was calculated by the standard curve y=-3.163 1x+39.763,via applying the absolute quantitative polymerase chain reaction(qPCR).[Result]The CMV content in the peach aphid fed with CMV-infected pepper reached the highest at 10 s,then the CMV content decreased gradually along with the feeding time,and its virulence acquisition process conformed to the characteristics of non-persistent transmission.In addition,the expressions of MpC002 in the peach aphids fed on CMV-infested peppers within 5 min-24 h significantly decreased to 37%-58%,compared with those before feeding.While feeding on CMV-infested peppers,the average developmental duration of third,fourth instar and the entire nymph stages were 1.58,2.07 and 6.47 d,which were significantly longer than those fed on the untreated peppers(1.25 d,1.47 d and 5.33 d);in contrast,the developmental duration of the first and second instars did not show significantly difference between CMV-infested and untreated peppers.The average laying period,the total peach aphid number and the average peach aphid in a single day were 10.03 d,16.87 and 1.67,which were significantly shorter than those of untreated peppers(14.27 d,39.73 and 2.82).In addition,analysis of GPA life table parameters revealed that the net growth rate,intrinsic rate of increase,and finite rate of increase were 16.87,0.21,and 1.21,respectively,which were significantly lower than those of peach aphids feeding on untreated peppers(39.73,0.31,and 1.36,respectively),whereas the mean generation time(13.02 d)and the population doubling time(3.26 d)were both significantly longer than those of peach aphids feeding untreated peppers(12.00 d and 2.30 d).[Conclusion]CMV significantly inhibited the expressions of MpC002,and then prolongated the developmental duration and decreased the reproduction,which in turn adversely affected its population growth.


海南大学南繁学院(三亚南繁研究院),三亚 572025||中国热带农业科学院环境与植物保护研究所 农业农村部热带作物有害生物综合治理重点实验室 海南省热带农业有害生物监测与控制重点实验室 海南省热带作物病虫害生物防治工程技术研究中心,海口 571101||中国热带农业科学院三亚研究院 海南省南繁生物安全与分子育种重点实验室,三亚 572000中国热带农业科学院环境与植物保护研究所 农业农村部热带作物有害生物综合治理重点实验室 海南省热带农业有害生物监测与控制重点实验室 海南省热带作物病虫害生物防治工程技术研究中心,海口 571101||中国热带农业科学院三亚研究院 海南省南繁生物安全与分子育种重点实验室,三亚 572000海南大学南繁学院(三亚南繁研究院),三亚 572025


CMVpepperMyzus persicaeeffector MpC002population growth

《生物技术通报》 2024 (004)

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