

Mechanism of tight sandstone reservoirs with shallow burial in southwest of Ordos Basin


鄂尔多斯盆地西南缘镇原地区三叠系延长组8 段细粒砂岩在较浅的埋藏条件下便发生了致密化.综合利用岩心分析、铸体薄片、扫描电镜与图像分析等技术,对其孔喉及成岩特征进行分析.结果表明:储层的成分及结构成熟度较低,孔隙结构以细孔—微细喉型为主,压实作用强烈,并且具有多期胶结与多期溶解的特征.以储层的"埋藏史-油气充注史-成岩演化序列-孔隙结构"为约束条件对储层的致密化定量表征发现,长 8 段在稳定的构造背景与辫状河三角洲环境的控制下,形成了细粒、富含塑性颗粒且高杂基含量的沉积,配合其后的快速埋深造成了强烈压实,其对储层致密化的贡献值为 85%.成岩环境的多期变化造成了富集不同盐类的孔隙流体对储层的强烈胶结作用,对储层致密化贡献值为 40.8%.早期绿泥石膜对颗粒的保护、稳定的构造背景及顶底板围岩处的硅质与钙质胶结层对孔隙流体活动的限制、过早的低渗和远离盆地生烃中心造成的缺乏酸性流体持续性注入等导致了溶蚀作用较弱,对储层致密化的抑制值仅为 26.1%,且形成的次生孔喉易被后期胶结物充填.构造、沉积、成岩作用及其与油气充注在时空的耦合关系造成了长 8 段储层在浅埋藏条件下的致密化.

The densification of fine sandstone occurred under relatively shallow burial conditions in the 8th member of the TrassicYanchang Formation,deposited in the Zhenyuan area of the southwest Ordos Basin.The pore-throat structure and dia-genesis of Chang 8 member tight reservoir were analyzed through core analysis,casting thin sections,scanning electron mi-croscope,fluorescence thin section with picture analysis,and other methods.The results indicate that both compositional and structural maturity are relatively low,with the dominant pore-throat structure being fine pores with minimal throats.Diagenesis is characterized by strong compaction,multi-period cementation,and dissolution accompanied by variations in the diagenetic environment.The quantitative characterization of densification process was carried out under the comprehensive control of"burial history-oil and gas filling history-diagenetic evolution sequence-pore-throat structure".It reveals that Chang 8 mem-ber contains a large amount of fine grains and plastic fragments with a high matrix content,leading to significant reservoir space loss under rapid burial after deposition.This was influenced by a stable tectonic setting combined with a braided river delta sedimentary system,resulting in strong compaction contributing to 85%of the densification.Additionally,pore fluids saturated with various salts led to intense cementation,affected seriously by multiple changes in the diagenetic environment,contributing 40.8%to the densification.The early-formed chlorite film protected clastic particles from being dissolved.Cement layers limited the exchange of pore fluid with surrounding rock under the stable tectonic background,which were formed at the roof and floor of Chang 8 member by strong siliceous cementation and carbonate cementation.Early entry into a low-permeabili-ty stage,coupled with distance from the hydrocarbon-generating center of the basin,hindered continuous acid fluid injection,reducing the dissolution intensity.Consequently the inhibiting effect of dissolution on densification was only 26.1%.Besides,the secondary pores generated by dissolution were easily filled by later-period cements.In summary,the tight sandstone reser-voirs in the Chang 8 member were buried at shallow depths,controlled by multiple factors,including tectonic setting,sedimen-tary environment,diagenesis,and their coupled relationship with periods of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion.


青岛理工大学土木工程学院,山东青岛 266520中国石化胜利油田分公司现河采油厂,山东东营 257068中国石化胜利油田分公司,山东东营 257061中国石化江汉油田分公司,湖北潜江 433100常州大学石油与天然气工程学院,江苏常州 213164



Zhenyuan area8th member of Yanchang formationtight sandstonedensificationquantitative characteriza-tiondiagenetic environment

《中国石油大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (002)

24-36 / 13


