

Epistemological Framework and Practice Paths of School Physical Education from the Perspective of Body Ontology


超越技术理性主义,回归身体本体意义,是新时期学校体育理论与实践的新转向.身体在学校体育中具有本体论上的哲学意义,包含了作为自然存在与生命存在的教育意涵.身体本体视域下的学校体育实践充斥着身体认识论的哲学色彩,建立在身心一元、主客一体、交互对话与反思建构的认知逻辑之上,具有显著的具身认知特征与具身实践的教育学意义,构建了由"经验知识论、体验介质论、对话关系论、建构生成论"4 个方面构成的认识论框架.提出学校体育应呈现"生命-实践"的教育学意义,包含着主动的身体、鲜活的体验、主体的交互与意义的建构 4 个方面的实践要素,并据此提出主体性认知、情境化教学、合作性学习与生成性产出的实践理路.

Going beyond technical rationalism and returning to the meaning of body ontology has become a new turn of the theory and practice of school physical education in the new era.The body has the philosophical significance of ontology in school physical education,which contains the educational connotation of natural existence and life existence.The practice of school physical education from the perspective of body ontology is full of philosophy of body epistemology,which is based on the cognitive logic of unitary mind and body,integration of subject and object,interactive dialogue and reflecting construction.It has significant embodied cognitive characteristics and pedagogical significance of embodied practice,and constructs the epistemological framework from four aspects:experiential knowledge theory,experiential medium theory,dialogue relation theory and generative theory of constructivism.The study suggests that school physical education should present the pedagogical significance of"life-practice",which includes four practical elements:active body,fresh experience,subject interaction and meaning construction.Based on this,it proposes the practice paths of subjective cognition,contextualized teaching,cooperative learning and generative output.


枣庄学院 体育学院,山东 枣庄 277160南京师范大学 体育科学学院,江苏 南京 210046



school physical educationphilosophy of bodyontologyepistemologyphysical education

《沈阳体育学院学报》 2024 (002)

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