

Historic Opportunity,Practical Experience and Enlightenment of Revitalizing Rural Sports Competitions in China:Taking the Taipan "Village BA" as an Example


运用访谈法和逻辑论证法聚焦乡村振兴、全民健身、数字网络三大历史机遇下的乡村体育赛事.基于乡俗、乡韵、乡才、乡境、乡音5 个振兴要素总结"村BA"的成功经验:传统节庆搭建赛事平台、体育文化构筑赛事底蕴、体育骨干激发赛事活力、协同治理提供赛事保障、多元载体优化赛事传播.继而围绕赛事底蕴、文化认同、体育人才、体育设施和体育宣传5 个方面,为乡村体育赛事振兴提供启示:从自省到自信,挖掘体育赛事历史底蕴;从认识到认同,重构传统文化群体认同;从他治到自治,激发赛事组织内生动力;从同质到异质,补齐乡村特色体育设施;从一元到多元,优化体育赛事传播载体.

By using the methods of interviews and dialectic,this paper analyzes the rural sports competitions under the three historic opportunities of rural revitalization,national fitness and digital network.The successful practical experience of"Village BA"is summarized on the basis of the five revitalization elements of local customs,local charm,local talents,local environment and local accent:setting up competition platforms through traditional festivals,constructing competition deposits through sports culture,stimulating competition vitality by sports core groups,providing competition guarantee through coordinated governance and optimizing competition dissemination through multidimensional carriers.Based on the five aspects of competition deposits,cultural identity,sports talents,sports facilities and sports publicity,it provides the enlightenments for the revitalization of rural sports competitions:the organizers of rural sports competitions should excavate the historical deposits of sports competitions from introspection to self-confidence,reconstruct the identity of traditional cultural groups from recognition to identification,stimulate the internal motivation force of sports organizations from passive-management to self-management,make up the special sports facilities in different villages from homogeneity to heterogeneity and optimize the carriers of sports competition communication from monism to pluralism.


黔南民族师范学院 体育学院,贵州 都匀 558000南京体育学院 体育产业与休闲学院,江苏 南京 210014西安体育学院 运动休闲学院,陕西 西安 710068



rural sports competitionrural revitalization"Village BA"historic opportunitypractical experience

《沈阳体育学院学报》 2024 (002)

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