

Digital Empowerment for High-Quality Development of Rural Public Sports Services:Basic Connotations,Mechanisms and Innovation Paths


推动农村公共体育服务高质量发展是构建更高水平全民健身公共服务体系的重要路径.从数字赋能视角出发,阐释数字赋能农村公共体育服务高质量发展的基本内涵与现实意义,并对数字赋能农村公共体育服务高质量发展的作用机制与现实困境进行分析.研究认为,数字技术从农村公共体育服务机制、技术机制、协同机制、决策机制及监管机制5 个方面赋能农村公共体育服务高质量发展,而农村地区数字基础设施建设滞后、基层对数字技术的认识与应用不足、农民数字素养匮乏、数据信息共享通道阻塞及质量管理体系缺失成为阻碍农村公共体育服务高质量发展的现实困境.基于此,提出推进农村公共体育服务数字基础设施建设、加快农村公共体育服务数字化转型、加速弥合城乡数字鸿沟、推动城乡公共体育服务协调发展及构建农村公共体育服务全流程质量管理体系的创新路径.

Promoting the high-quality development of rural public sports services is an important approach to building a higher level of public service system for national fitness.From the perspective of empowerment through digital technologies,this study sorts out the basic connotations and practical significance of the high-quality development of rural public sports services through digital empowerment,and analyzes its mechanisms and realistic obstacles.It suggests that digital technology empowers the high-quality development of rural public sports services from five aspects:the mechanism of rural public sports service,technology mechanism,collaborative mechanism,decision-making mechanism and regulation mechanism.However,the underdeveloped rural digital infrastructure,the insufficient understandings and applications of digital technology at the grassroots level,the poor digital literacy of farmers,the obstructed data and information sharing channels and the imperfect service quality management system have become the realistic obstacles to the high-quality development of rural public sports services.To address these issues effectively,this study proposes the following innovation paths:promoting the construction of digital infrastructure for rural public sports services,accelerating the digital transformation of rural public sports services,bridging the urban-rural digital divide,impelling the coordinated development of urban-rural public sports services,and constructing a quality management system for the entire process of rural public sports services.


北京体育大学 管理学院,北京 100084||北京市冬奥文化与冰雪运动发展研究基地,北京 100084北京体育大学 管理学院,北京 100084



rural areadigital technologypublic sports servicehigh-quality developmentinnovation path

《沈阳体育学院学报》 2024 (002)

60-66 / 7


