

Analysis of Smartphone User Monitoring Data Based on Logistic Regression


近年来,随着数字化和信息化的快速发展,越来越多的人开始使用智能手机.文章基于某公司某年连续21 天 4 万多位智能手机用户的监测数据,通过逻辑回归模型对智能手机用户的监测数据进行挖掘和分析,有效地统计和归纳了用户对于A类APP的使用情况,模型准确度达到了 98.06%,同时对于智能手机APP的开发和使用提出了相应的建议.该研究的数据驱动的分析和决策,有助于精准了解用户的行为和需求,可为推荐系统的智能推荐和个性化营销等提供重要的决策依据,有力地促进了我国智能手机市场的持续健康发展.

In recent years,with the rapid development of digitization and informatization,more and more people have started to use smartphones.This article is based on the monitoring data of over 40000 smartphone users in a certain company for 21 consecutive days in a certain year.By using a logistic regression model to mine and analyze the monitoring data of smartphone users,the usage of Class A apps by users is effectively calculated and summarized.The accuracy of the model reaches 98.06%,and corresponding suggestions are proposed for the development and use of smartphone apps.The data-driven analysis and decision-making in this study contribute to a precise understanding of user behavior and needs,providing important decision-making basis for intelligent recommendations and personalized marketing in recommendation systems,and effectively promoting the sustained and healthy development of China's smartphone market.


西安欧亚学院金融与数据科学学院,陕西 西安 710065



smartphone userAPPmonitoring datalogistic regression

《现代信息科技》 2024 (008)

36-39 / 4

