

Development trends and hot spot analysis of tobacco biotechnology patents in China


为把握当前烟草生物技术领域的发展状况与发展趋势,使用incoPat数据库对2000-2022年国内烟草生物技术相关专利进行检索,并从申请态势、IPC(International Patent Classification,国际专利分类)小类分布和专利技术领域等方面展开分析.结果显示:①数量及趋势:烟草生物技术领域已进入快速发展期,年均专利申请量为140件.②归属:国内烟草行业在该领域的专利申请具有明显数量优势,以云南省烟草公司的专利数量最多,其次是云南中烟工业有限责任公司、中国烟草总公司郑州烟草研究院和贵州省烟草公司;国外主要以跨国烟草公司的申请为主,其中,美国无烟烟草公司和奥驰亚客户服务公司的申请量最多.③IPC分类:该领域IPC技术主题分布较为集中,主要涉及C12N(微生物及其培养基)和C12Q(测定方法)2个小类,且A01N-A01P-C12R(抗病、杀虫或调节植物生长的生物菌剂)、A01H-C07K-C12N(植物新品种培育或组织培养)是今后专利申请的重点.④研究领域:在具体技术方面,专利申请主要分布在烟草绿色防控、烟草基因作用机制和烟草生物菌剂研发等领域,以烟草绿色防控领域的专利申请最多,内容涉及烟草病毒检测和病虫害生物防治等.

In order to grasp the current development status and trends in the field of tobacco biotechnology,the incoPat database was used to search the tobacco biotechnology patents in China from 2000 to 2022,and the obtained patents were analyzed in terms of application trend,IPC subclass distribution,and patent technology fields.The results showed that:1)The field of tobacco biotechnology had entered a period of rapid development,with an average of 140 patent applications per year.2)Domestic tobacco industries had obvious advantages in the number of patents in this field,with Yunnan Provincial Tobacco Company having the largest number of patents,followed by China Tobacco Yunnan Industrial Corporation Limited,Zhengzhou Tobacco Research Institute of CNTC and Guizhou Provincial Tobacco Company.Overseas applications were mainly from multinational tobacco companies,among which the United States Smokeless Tobacco Company and Altria Client Service Company had the largest number of applications.3)The distribution of IPC technical topics in this field was extremely concentrated,mainly involving C12N(microorganism and its medium)and C12Q(method of determination),and A01N-A01P-C12R(biological bacterial agents for disease resistance,insecticidal or plant growth regulation)and A01H-C07K-C12N(cultivation of new plant varieties or tissue culture)were the focus of patent layout in the future.4)In terms of specific technologies,it had mainly focused on the fields of green prevention and control of tobacco plants,mechanism of action of tobacco genes and tobacco biological bacterial agents,especially the green prevention and control that involved tobacco virus detection and biological control of pests and diseases.


中国烟草总公司郑州烟草研究院,郑州高新技术产业开发区枫杨街2号 450001江西省烟草公司赣州市公司,江西省赣州市章贡区华坚路10号 341000



TobaccoBiotechnologyPatent analysisTechnical topic

《烟草科技》 2024 (004)

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