

Parameter optimization of tobacco strip casing cylinder based on numerical simulation


为解决片烟加料机加料均匀性差、料液有效利用率低等问题,采用EDEM(Event Driven Execution Manager)数值模拟技术,对滚筒加料过程进行模拟;利用正交试验研究了加料机抄料板螺旋分布角、抄料板长度、滚筒转速对片烟在增温吸收区内停留时间、离散度、破碎程度的影响;采用Fluent软件模拟了不同喷射角度下料液喷雾运动轨迹;确定了加料机最优参数组合并测试了加料效果.结果表明:①抄料板螺旋分布角、滚筒转速是影响片烟在增温吸收区停留时间、离散度及破碎程度的主要因素,且因素间存在交互作用.②确定了最优参数组合,即抄料板螺旋分布角为25°、抄料板长度组合为400 mm和600 mm、滚筒转速为10 r/min、料液喷射角度为55°.③加料机参数优化后,料液利用率达90.92%,提高5.05百分点;加料均匀性达91.97%,提高4.36百分点;滚筒内壁物料黏附量减少3.2 kg/批次.该技术可为提高片烟加料效果、降低物料黏附量提供支持.

In order to promote the casing uniformity of tobacco strips and the utilization of casing,EDEM(Event Driven Execution Manager)numerical simulation technology was used to simulate the casing process in a cylinder.The orthogonal test was conducted to investigate the effects of spiral distribution angle and length of the lifting paddles and cylinder rotation speed on the residence time,dispersion and breakage degree of tobacco strips in the heating absorption section.Fluent software was used to simulate the movement trajectory of the casing at different injecting angles.The optimum parameter combination of the casing cylinder and the casing effect were determined.The results showed that:1)The spiral distribution angle of the lifting paddles and the cylinder rotation speed were the main factors affecting the residence time,dispersion and breakage degree of tobacco strips in the heating absorption section,and there were interactions between these factors.2)The optimum parameter combination determined was:the spiral distribution angle of the lifting paddle 25°,the length combination of the lifting paddle 400 mm and 600 mm,the cylinder rotation speed 10 r/min,and the casing injecting angle 55°.3)After the optimization of the parameters,the casing utilization rate reached 90.92%,which was increased by 5.05 percentage points;the casing uniformity reached 91.97%,which was increased by 4.36 percentage points;and the amount of the material adhering to the inner wall of the cylinder was reduced by 3.2 kg/batch.This technology helps improve the effects of tobacco casing and reduce the amount of material adhering to the inner wall of the cylinder.


红塔辽宁烟草有限责任公司营口卷烟厂,辽宁省营口市站前区东新路20号 115002红塔辽宁烟草有限责任公司技术中心,沈阳市苏家屯区南京南街98号 110023吉林烟草工业有限责任公司技术研发中心,长春市二道区世纪大街99号 130031



Tobacco strip casing cylinderCasingMovement trajectoryNumerical simulationParameter optimization

《烟草科技》 2024 (004)

100-107 / 8


