

Evaluation of Inquiry Learning Based on Its Ideal Process Model:A New Way to Evaluate Inquiry Learning



In the context of education,inquiry learning is defined as a learning process aimed at achieving specific higher-order competency goals.Therefore,its evaluation should focus on the process orientation rather than the result orientation.In order to describe the ideal inquiry learning process and retain the contextual information,especially the learning objective information,it is necessary to model the ideal process for a specific inquiry learning design.The generation of the ideal process model can be used as a yardstick to evaluate the actual occurrence of inquiry learning.The ideal process modeling includes five steps:(1)design the inquiry learning plan in detail,(2)draw knowledge modeling diagram implied in the plan,(3)describe the whole process of inquiry learning in detail,(4)cut the whole process into several stages and draw the stage diagrams,(5)according to the general process of inquiry learning,all links are connected into a whole to form an ideal process model.The above operations should also be carried out for the actual inquiry learning,and the real process model of inquiry learning should be generated after the preprocessing.By comparing the real process model with the ideal process model of an inquiry learning activity,we can identify differences to evaluate that inquiry learning activity.This evaluation method can not only help us perceive the quality of inquiry learning but also provide feedback for improving the design of inquiry learning.More importantly,it can make inquiry learning a routine part of daily teaching.


北京师范大学教育学部教育技术学院(北京 100875)河北科技师范学院教育学院(河北秦皇岛 066004)



Inquiry LearningIdeal Process ModelingIdeal Process ModelInquiry Learning Evaluation

《远程教育杂志》 2024 (002)

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