

Determination of Trace Uranium in Reprocessing Samples by Automatic Double-curvature HOPG Pre-diffraction X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry


为快速、准确、无损检测后处理工艺样品中的微量铀,研制了自动双曲面石墨弯晶预衍射X射线荧光光谱仪,并建立了测定模拟含铀料液中微量铀的分析方法.该仪器在普通能量色散X射线荧光光谱仪的探测器前添加了双曲面石墨弯晶预衍射器,以提高光束的聚焦性,双曲面石墨弯晶参与衍射的有效区域远大于直筒式石墨晶体,大幅降低了铀元素的检出限.测试结果表明,该仪器对铀的检出限为0.033 mg/L,定量限为0.110 mg/L,铀浓度的相对标准偏差优于5%.采用经验系数法对含有锶和钇的模拟含铀料液中的铀元素进行了校正,结果显示,铀回收率在98%~102.3%以上,说明该方法具有较高的准确度.

As a non-destructive analysis method,X-ray fluorescence spectrometry can achieve simultaneous measurement of uranium and plutonium concentration,and is widely used in the determination of uranium and plutonium in spent fuel reprocessing technology.This method has the advantages of no sample pretreatment,fast analysis speed,and direct measurement of many elements at the same time.The original repro-cessing facility used HOPG pre-diffraction EDXRF to determine uranium and plutonium in the reprocessing process samples,but the lower limit of accurate determination of uranium and plutonium concentration is only 2 mg/L,which cannot meet the measure-ment requirements of uranium and plutonium concentration range of 0.1-2 mg/L in the process samples,and the detection limit of uranium and plutonium aren't greatly improved.At present,HOPG pre-diffraction X-ray fluorescence spectrometry used in the field of spent fuel reprocessing all adopt cylindrical HOPG structure,which can only show a curvature in one direction.When the point light source irradiates,the light source will converge to a radial straight line,and cannot focuse to a point,which has poor ray selectivity for specific wavelengths and high background scattering.The effec-tive region of the crystal involved in diffraction is very small,the efficiency is very low,and the collection efficiency of X-ray photons decreases,which directly affects the detec-tion limit and measurement accuracy of uranium and plutonium.In order to detect trace uranium in nuclear fuel reprocessing samples quickly,accurately and nondestructively,an automatic double-curvature HOPG pre-diffraction X-ray fluorescence spectrometer was developed,and an analytical method for the determination of trace uranium in simu-lated liquid was established.The double-curvature HOPG is added in front of the detec-tor of the conventional energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer,which enhances the focusing of the light source and reduces the detection limit of uranium element.The effective region of the double-curvature HOPG participating in diffraction is the arc plane corresponding to the whole region of the crystal,which is much larger than the ring diffraction region of the cylindrical graphite crystal,and can improve the focusing of the beam incident on the whole region of the crystal.The detection limit of uranium is 0.033 mg/L,the limit of quantitation is 0.110 mg/L,and the relative stand-ard deviation of uranium concentration is better than 5%.The empirical coefficient method was used to correct the uranium element in the mixed solution containing stron-tium and yttrium.The recovery of uranium element was over 98%-102.3%,indicating that the method has high accuracy.


中国核电工程有限公司,北京 100840江苏天瑞仪器股份有限公司,江苏昆山 215300



double-curvature HOPGX-ray fluorescence spectrometerempirical coeffi-cient methoduranium

《原子能科学技术》 2024 (004)

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