

Using the"One Health"Concept to Address the Global Crisis of Antimicrobial Resistance


抗菌药物耐药性(antimicrobial resistance,AMR)已成为全球公共卫生危机.细菌可通过基因突变、水平基因转移等方式获得耐药性基因(antibiotic resistance genes,ARGs),而抗菌药的长期或不合理使用加速了ARGs的出现.ARGs在人-环境-动物间的循环传播,造成ARGs分布广泛,多重耐药菌株甚至泛耐药菌株不断出现,给全球公共卫生安全带来严重威胁.驱动耐药菌和ARGs传播的因素是多方面、复杂的,因此AMR治理需要全方位考虑,而"同一健康"理念是国际公认的解决重大和复杂健康问题的一种策略方法.本文在讨论ARGs获得、传播机制及其主要驱动因素的基础上,分析其在人-环境-动物间的循环传播过程,提出了在"同一健康"理念指导下的应对策略,以期为AMR治理提供参考.

Antimicrobial resistance(AMR)has become a global public health crisis.Antibiotic resistance genes(ARGs)could be obtained by bacteria through gene mutations and horizontal gene transfer,being accelerated by long-term or irrational use of antibiotics,and distributed widely because of its cyclic transmission among humans-environment-animals,continuously producing multiple-resistant strains even pandrug-resistant strains,and posing a serious threat to global public health safety.In view of various and complex factors driving the spread of drug-resistant bacteria and ARGs,AMR should be thoroughly governed,and the"One Health"concept is internationally recognized as a strategic approach to address major and complex health issues.Following the discussion on the accessibility and transmission mechanism of ARGs and their main driving factors,its cyclic transmission among humans-environment-animals was analyzed in the paper,and countermeasures under the concept were proposed,aiming to provide a reference for AMR governance.


中国动物卫生与流行病学中心,山东青岛 266032



antimicrobial resistanceantimicrobial resistance genesuperbacteria"One Health"

《中国动物检疫》 2024 (004)

38-44 / 7

