

Research on Evaluation and Optimization of Market-oriented Policies for Mine Ecological Restoration


以市场化方式推进矿山生态修复,是解决修复资金短缺、促进矿山生态产品价值实现与提升的重要途径.文章采用文献资料分析、案例分析、归纳演绎等方法,对以市场化方式推进矿山生态修复政策实施效果进行评估,结果表明:各地积极推动政策落实与细化,实施机制不断完善 创新,形成了可推广的"矿山生态修复+"典型模式."十四五"以来,矿山生态修复项目吸引的社会资金总体规模小、比例低、地区差异大.矿山生态修复市场化政策实施过程中存在社会资本参与动力不足、规划引领作用有待提升、指标激励新机制效果尚未显现、废弃土石料利用存在违法违规风险等问题.因此,应加强规划引领与管理,打通指标激励实施路径,规范矿山生态修复土石料利用政策边界和监督管理,优化项目管理周期和多部门协调合作机制,加大政策宣传解读力度并持续跟踪政策实施进展,进一步完善矿山生态修复市场化激励政策.

Promoting mine ecological restoration in a market-oriented manner is a critical way to solve the shortage of restoration funds and promote the realization and enhancement of the value of mine ecological products.By using methods such as literature analysis,case analysis,induction,and deduction,the paper evaluates the implementation effect of marketization promotion of mine ecological restoration policy.The results show that all localities actively promote the implementation and refinement of policies,and constantly improve and innovate the implementation mechanism,forming a typical model of"mine ecological restoration +"that can be promoted.Since the"14th Five-Year Plan",the overall scale of social funds attracted by mine ecological restoration projects is small,the proportion is low,and the regional differences are significant.In the process of implementing the marketization policy for ecological restoration of mines,there are problems such as insufficient motivation of social capital participation,the leading role of planning needs to be improved,and the effect of the new incentive mechanism of indicators has not yet emerged,and there are illegal and irregular risks in the utilization of waste soil and stone materials.Therefore,it is necessary to strengthen planning,guidance,and management,open up the implementation path of indicator incentives,standardize the policy boundaries and supervision and management of mine ecological restoration soil and stone utilization,optimize the project management cycle and multi-department coordination and cooperation mechanism,increase policy publicity and interpretation,and continuously track the progress of policy implementation,and further improve the marketization incentive policy of mine ecological restoration.


自然资源部国土空间生态修复司,北京 100812中国自然资源经济研究院,北京 101149



mine ecological restorationmarketization wayincentive policyeffect evaluation

《中国国土资源经济》 2024 (004)

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