

Value Realization of Water Eco-Products:Concept,Framework and Technical Support



Promoting the value realization of water eco-products is an important work to respect the law of"nature-society"and implement the idea of water control in the new era.In order to take the lead in realizing the value of water eco-products and implementing the water-related goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the United Nations,based on the concept analysis,the paper defined the narrow sense and the broad sense of water eco-products,make clear the concept of water eco-products value realization,and put forward the framework of water eco-products value realization:the circular system of"water eco-products and values → vision and goals → policy tools → human behavior".Also,the paper analyzed the functions of each chain while further putting forward the technical support needs such as the accounting of water eco-assets and water eco-products,the demarcation and confirmation of rights,and the establishment of the spatio-temporal correlation between supply and demand,in the hope that multiple forces will participate in theoretical research and practice to jointly promote the prospect of harmony between human and water.


北京市水务规划研究院,北京 100048中国科学院生态环境研究中心 城市与区域生态国家重点实验室,北京 100085



water eco-productsvalue realizationwater control ideaspolicy instrumentseco-compensation

《中国国土资源经济》 2024 (004)

53-60,89 / 9


