

Production Analysis and Selection of Suitable Varieties in Sugarcane Intercropping System



In order to improve the field use efficiency of the mechanized wide row planting sugarcane area,reduce the grass and herbicide,increase the profit via the intercropping at the stage of sugarcane seedling,7 peanut and 5 sweetcorn varieties were chosen to intercrop with sugarcane using sugarcane monocrop as a control,and the experiment of interplanting peanut and sweet corn in sugarcane wide row with supporting agricultural machinery was carried out simultaneously,the yield components and profit of 2 intercropping systems were investigated.The results showed that the plant height of sugarcane was negatively correlated with that of sweetcorn but positively correlated with that of peanut,which were intercropped between rows.Compared with sugarcane monocrop,the single stem weight of sugarcane intercropping with sweetcorn significantly decreased,which showed no significant difference intercropping with peanut;the tiller number,effective stems and yield of sugarcane significantly decreased for both intercropping systems,the decreasing rate of intercropping sweetcorn was significantly higher than that of intercropping peanut.However,there was no significant difference for sugarcane brix between each intercropping system and monocrop.Intercropping'Yuetian 28'obtained higher corn yield and farmland straw input,'Zhongnongtian 414'and'Huameitian 9'possessed the optimal brix and spike respectively,while'Zhanyou 1155''Rehong 1'and'Zhanyou 1155''Zhanyou 75''Zhanyou 62'possessed the highest peanut kernel yield and oil content respectively.The increase of intercropping system profit over 30%showed as'Zhongnongtian 414'>'Huameitian 9'>'ZGP113'>'Zhanyou 1155',but the yield reduction rate of intercropping'Huameitian 9'and'ZGP113'increased 13.73 and 4.37 percentage points comparing with intercropping'Zhongnongtian 414'and'Zhanyou 1155',which determined the optimal intercropping varieties for sweetcorn and peanut were'Zhongnongtian 414'and'Zhanyou 1155'.In summary,sugarcane intercropping'Zhongnongtian 414'sweetcorn could improve the profit and farmland straw carbon input while the decrease of sugarcane yield made adverse effect of keeping sugar red line.Sugarcane intercropping'Zhanyou 1155'and'ZGP113'could increase profit and achieve soil improvement based on stable sugarcane yield.


中国热带农业科学院南亚热带作物研究所,国家农业绿色发展长期固定观测湛江试验站,广东 湛江 524091||中国热带农业科学院湛江实验站,广东省级现代农业(耕地保育与节水农业)产业技术研发中心,广东 湛江 524013嘉兴职业技术学院,浙江 嘉兴 314036中国热带农业科学院南亚热带作物研究所,国家农业绿色发展长期固定观测湛江试验站,广东 湛江 524091中国热带农业科学院湛江实验站,广东省级现代农业(耕地保育与节水农业)产业技术研发中心,广东 湛江 524013



sugarcane intercroppingsweetcornpeanutproductivitysuitable variety

《中国农业科技导报》 2024 (004)

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