

Influence of Reclamation of Open Pit Dumps on Soil Physical Properties in Semiarid Regions


为研究露天煤矿排土场复垦对土壤物理性质的影响,以内蒙古自治区鄂尔多斯市准格尔旗黑岱沟露天矿排土场平台为研究对象.针对矿区自然地貌(ZR)、未复垦的排土场(WF)与复垦5年排土场(FK)0-60 cm土层土壤物理性质的差异,运用方差分析、主成分分析等方法研究复垦对排土场土壤物理性质的影响.结果表明,未复垦排土场的土壤容重和砾石含量均显著高于复垦排土场和自然地貌,而土壤含水率、饱和含水率和田间持水量均低于复垦排土场和自然地貌,其中田间持水量显著低于复垦排土场和自然地貌.相关性分析和回归方程拟合分析发现,土壤砾石含量影响土壤容重和持水保水性能.复垦使排土场土壤容重及砾石含量呈降低趋势,而土壤含水率、饱和含水率、田间持水量呈升高趋势;随着土层深度的增加,排土场土壤容重、含水率、饱和含水率呈升高趋势,而田间持水量和砾石含量呈降低趋势.复垦排土场40-60 cm、自然地貌40-60 cm、复垦排土场20-40 cm土层土壤的综合评分分别排第1、2、3位,说明排土场复垦能够在一定程度上改良土壤、优化土壤质地,并在复垦5年情况下对土壤的改良深度可达60 cm.以上研究结果对矿区复垦工作具有一定指导意义.

In order to study the influence of reclamation of open-pit coal mine dump on soil physical properties,the dump platform of Heidaigou open-pit mine in Zhungeer Banner,Ordos City,Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,was as the research object.The difference of physical properties in 0-60 cm soil layer among natural landform(ZR),unreclaimed dump(WF)and 5-year reclaimed dump(FK)in mining area were analyzed,the effects of reclamation on soil physical properties of dump were studied by variance analysis and principal component analysis.The results showed that the soil bulk density and gravel content of unreclaimed dumps were significantly higher than those of reclaimed dumps and natural landforms,while the soil moisture content,saturated moisture content and field water holding capacity were lower than those of reclaimed dumps and natural landforms,among which the field water holding capacity was significantly different from those of reclaimed dumps and natural landforms.The correlation analysis and regression equation fitting analysis showed that the gravel content in soil affected soil bulk density and water holding capacity.Reclamation made the soil bulk density and gravel content decrease,and the soil moisture content,saturated water content and field water holding capacity increase.With the increase of soil depth,the soil unit weight,moisture content and saturated moisture content of the dump showed an increasing trend,while the field water holding capacity and gravel content showed a decreasing trend.The comprehensive scores of the 40-60 cm soil of 5-year reclaimed dump,40-60 cm soil of natural landformand 20-40 cm soil of 5-year reclaimed dump were ranked as 1st,2nd and 3rd,respectively,which indicated that the reclamation of the dump could improve the soil and optimize the soil texture.The depth of soil improvement by plants could reach 60 cm soil layer in the case of 5 years of reclamation of the dump.Above results provided certain guiding for reclamation work in mining area.


内蒙古农业大学沙漠治理学院,荒漠生态系统保护与修复国家林草局重点实验室,呼和浩特 010018鄂尔多斯林业和草原事业发展中心,内蒙古 鄂尔多斯 017299南京信息工程大学遥感与测绘工程学院,南京 210044



open-pit minedumping sitesoil physical propertiesreclamation

《中国农业科技导报》 2024 (004)

174-183 / 10


