

Current Situation,Problems and Countermeasures of China's Vegetable Circulation System


纵观全球,中国既是蔬菜生产大国,又是蔬菜消费大国,2021 年蔬菜产量为 7.76 亿t,全国人均蔬菜及食用菌消费量为 109.8 kg.中国蔬菜流通体系的建设也依托于蔬菜产业的快速发展,目前蔬菜流通呈现出数量庞大、渠道多样、基础设施不断完善的特点,国家扶持政策也逐渐向蔬菜流通体系建设倾斜,形成了现代大流通、统一大市场的流通格局,但蔬菜流通仍然存在主体利益分配不均、损耗严重、质量安全难以保证以及流通半径长、环节多等不合理现象.为了提高蔬菜流通的现代化水平,更好地为实现农业农村现代化服务的目标,需进一步提高流通的组织化、标准化水平,继续加强基础设施建设,加快建设畅通高效、贯通城乡、安全规范的蔬菜现代流通体系.

China is the world's largest producer and consumer of vegetables,in 2021,China's vegetable production is 776 million tons,per capita consumption of vegetables and edible mushrooms is 109.8 kilograms.The rapid development of the vegetable industry has promoted the circulation of vegetables.The circulation of vegetables in China presents the characteristics of huge quantity,diverse channels and perfect infrastructure,the state strengthens the support for vegetable circulation system,and China's vegetable circulation has formed a circulation pattern of large circulation and large market.However,there are still many unreasonable phenomena in the circulation of vegetables in China,such as uneven distribution of benefits,large losses,food safety problems,long circulation chains,etc.In order to improve the modernization level of vegetable circulation and better serve to the realization of agriculture modernization,we should improve the level of organization and standardization of circulation,strengthen infrastructure construction,and build a smooth and efficient,connecting urban and rural areas,safe and standardized modern circulation system of vegetables.


中国农业科学院农业经济与发展研究所 北京 100081


vegetablecirculation systeminfrastructureconsumption guarantee

《农业展望》 2024 (004)

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