

Significance and System Construction of Strategic Reserve of Potatoes in China



Food reserves and food production capacity play important roles in the food security system.In China,it would be tight for a long time to balance the supplies and demands of food and the other key agricultural products accompanied with the population increasing,consumption upgrading,resources and environmental constraints tightening,changes of farmers'production structure and life style caused by rapid urbanization,Covid-19 pandemic and other emergencies,and costs increasing of food imports.It is still very important to improve food reserves and food production capacity reserves to ensure food security in China.As a food security crop,potato has many advantages,such as the wide acceptance by Chinese,the obvious advantages of planting,the diverse cooking methods and processing types,so it could be stocked strategically as fresh and processed food,and reserved its production capacity.However,it needs many supports to reserve potato strategically,including special facilities under special conditions,rigorous seed potato production systems and proper quality standards,and so on.Up to now,it needs the government pay more attention to potato strategic reserve on funding,policies.In the future,we can construct and perfect the potato strategic reserve system from the aspects of integral reserve system construction,productivity improvement,increasing the staple food developments and enhancing the level of production capacity reserve,make potato play full roles in the national food strategic reserve system and be a new assurance for Chinese food security.


大理州农业科学推广研究院粮食作物研究所 云南 大理 671005云南师范大学薯类作物研究所 云南 昆明 650500大理州农业科学推广研究院农业环境保护监测站 云南 大理 671005


potatostrategic reservefood reservesreserves of food production capacityfood security

《农业展望》 2024 (004)

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