

Analysis of Changes in China's Vegetable Import&Export Trade and Countermeasures in the Context of the Epidemic



Through analyzing China's vegetable import and export data from 2020-2022,we understand that China's vegetable export amount is growing steadily.The average annual growth rate has reached 9.13%.In 2021,the vegetable export volume was decreased slightly affected by the epidemic.In 2022,after the epidemic situation mitigated,the vegetable export volume was increased to some extent.In import trade,both import value and import volume showed a trend of first rising and then declining,indicating that the rise and fall of vegetable import trade was related to the epidemic.In export market,the export volume of the pillar market with vegetable exports volume over 100 000 tons was affected greater by the epidemic.In export products,the concentration of superior products was obvious.The proportion of auxiliary products was smaller,of which the export volume of fresh and frozen vegetables and processed and preserved vegetables stopped falling and turned up,and dried vegetables and vegetable seeds developed steadily.The number of competitive import markets decreased.The share of imports continued to decline.Advantages imported vegetable products changed greatly.The concentration of import volume was decreased significantly.In addition,in the past 3 years,the average prices of import and export vegetables from China were risen,of which the average prices of import and export processed and fresh-keeping vegetables increased continuously,and that of the other categories also fluctuated.Improving the international competitiveness of China's agricultural products in the world market,and promoting the development of agricultural modernization still is one of the important methods for expanding the foreign trade market of vegetables in China,and consolidating our major vegetable import markets during the post-epidemic era.


中国农业科学院蔬菜花卉研究所,北京 100081全国农业技术推广服务中心,北京 100125||湖北省十堰市农业科学院,湖北十堰 442000农业农村部农业贸易促进中心,北京 100125全国农业技术推广服务中心,北京 100125


vegetabletradeimport and export

《中国蔬菜》 2024 (004)

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