

Investigation and Analysis of Current Situation on Facility Vegetable Production in Jiangxi Province



Directing at the main problems faced by facility vegetable production in Jiangxi Province,this paper conducted in-depth field investigations and studies about facility vegetable successive cropping obstacles,pest and disease prevention and control,renovation of old facilities,facility shed types,and integration of agricultural machinery with agronomy,etc.aspects.This paper got a clear picture referring to the existing difficulties of blocking points in developing facility vegetable production in Jiangxi Province;and explored new ways and new promotion mechanisms suitable for the development of vegetable industry in Jiangxi Province.At the same time,this paper also put forward several countermeasures and suggestions for facility vegetable production in Jiangxi Province,including soil obstacle governance in facility successive cropping,perfecting technical service system,breeding new facility vegetable varieties,upgrading and reforming production bases for facility vegetables,and strengthening regional public brand construction etc.,aiming at providing references for relevant government departments to make strategic decision and serve vegetable production practice,so as to help realizing green and efficient development of facility vegetable industry in Jiangxi Province.


江西省农业技术推广中心,江西南昌 330046赣州市农业技术推广中心,江西赣州 341000


Jiangxi Provincefacility vegetablessuccessive cropping obstaclesold facilitiesfacility shed type

《中国蔬菜》 2024 (004)

8-14 / 7


