

Evaluation on Vegetable Seed'Bottleneck'Issue of Jiangsu Province



This paper evaluated and analyzed the bottleneck issue of vegetable seed by visiting vegetable production bases in Jiangsu Province,investigating and surveying enterprises and research institutes of vegetable seed,combined with perennial vegetable variety management situation.On the whole,at present the bottleneck issue of Jiangsu vegetable gernplasm source is not prominent.The source of bulk vegetable is basically controllable.The self-sufficiency rate of domestic seeds is 86.5%.However,there existed certain degrees of bottleneck risk in a few vegetables and their variety types.The major differences between domestic vegetable seeds and imported vegetable seeds are in variety characteristics,seed quality,and brand effect,etc.The main problems affecting Jiangsu vegetable seed industry development are weak ability for variety innovation,weak strength of vegetable seed enterprises,and insufficient supervisory service of seed industry.It is suggested to adopt measures to enhance the ability of variety innovation,support the development of leading enterprises,and perfect the supervisory service system,etc.,so as to further upgrade the development quality of Jiangsu vegetable seed industry and ensure the safety of seed sources.


江苏省种子管理站,江苏南京 210036


Jiangsuvegetable seed'bottleneck'gernplasm source safetyvariety innovation

《中国蔬菜》 2024 (004)

15-22 / 8

