

Analysis of the interaction effect between genotype and environment(G×E)in the rapid-growth strain of the orange shell Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas


为了分析长牡蛎(Crassostrea gigas)壳橙快速生长品系生长存活性状的基因型与环境(G×E)互作效应,本研究构建 28 个全同胞家系并将每个家系均分成 3 组,分别在乳山、荣成和黄岛海域进行养殖.利用双性状动物模型和REML 法估计 12 月龄橙快长牡蛎生长和存活性状的遗传力及 G×E 效应,采用 BLUP 育种值估计法将壳高、体重和存活性状 3 个指标的育种值综合加权,以期筛选出普适性育种材料.结果显示,乳山和黄岛海区的表型显著优于荣成海区,更适合作为养殖海区.乳山、荣成和黄岛 3 个海区生长存活性状的遗传力分别为 0.09~0.75、0.02~0.94和0.03~0.75,存在尺度效应,但除了存活性状的遗传力外,都属于中高遗传力,具有良好的遗传潜力,通过育种值估计法选育效果更佳;存活性状则主要受环境因素影响,可通过表型直接选育.以不同海区为固定效应,综合 3 个环境计算出的生长和存活性状的遗传力为 0.02~0.44,综合遗传力下降说明环境差异影响遗传力评估.此外,选育的目标性状在两两海区间的遗传相关均小于 0.8,存在显著的G×E效应,在选育过程中应综合考虑环境因素.通过比较综合育种值发现存在明显的基因重排效应,家系 G25 对乳山海区表现出特殊的适应性,家系 G16 对荣成海区具有特适性,而家系G23 对乳山和黄岛表现出适应性,且筛选出了对 3 个海区具有普适性的家系G2.研究结果为橙快长牡蛎品系的良种选育提供了重要的参考资料.

To analyze the genotype-environment(G×E)interaction effects on the growth and survival traits of a rapid-growth strain of Crassostrea gigas,28 full-sib families were constructed,and each family was divided into three groups,which were cultured in the Rushan,Rongcheng,and Huangdao Sea areas.The heritability and G×E effects on the growth and survival traits of 12-month-old C.gigas were estimated using a two-trait animal model and the REML method.The BLUP breeding value estimation method was used to comprehensively weigh the breeding values for shell height,body weight,and survival traits to screen for universal breeding materials.The results showed that the shell phenotypes of the strains found in the Rushan and Huangdao Sea areas were significantly better than those of the Rongcheng Sea area,which were more suitable for aquaculture.The heritability of growth and survival traits in the Rushan,Rongcheng,and Huangdao Sea areas were 0.16-0.62,0.07-0.80,and 0.07-0.63,respectively.A scale effect was observed;however,in addition to the heritability of survival traits,they were all medium-high heritability and had good breeding potential.Therefore,the breeding effect was improved using the breeding value estimation method.Survival traits are mainly affected by environmental factors and can be directly selected based on the phenotype.Considering the different sea areas as fixed effects,the heritability of growth and survival traits,calculated by combining the three environments was 0.04-0.31.The decrease in comprehensive heritability indicated that environmental differences affected heritability assessment.In addition,the genetic correlation of the selected target traits between the two sea areas was less than 0.8,which indicated a significant G×E effect.Therefore,environmental factors must be considered comprehensively during breeding.By comparing the comprehensive breeding values,it was found that family G25 showed special adaptability to the Rushan Sea area,family G16 had special adaptability to the Rongcheng Sea area,and family G23 showed adaptability to the Rushan and Huangdao Sea areas,all of which showed significant gene rearrangement effects.Family G2 was found to have universal adaptability to the three sea area.The results obtained in this study provide an important reference for breeding a rapid-growth strain of the orange shell C.gigas.


中国海洋大学,海水养殖教育部重点实验室,山东 青岛 266003中国海洋大学,海水养殖教育部重点实验室,山东 青岛 266003||青岛海洋科学与技术试点国家实验室,海洋渔业科学与食物产出过程功能实验室,山东 青岛 266237



Crassostrea gigasorange shellfamily selectiongenetic parametergenotype by environment(G×E)interactionbreeding value

《中国水产科学》 2024 (002)

177-184 / 8


