

Analysis of the causes of clinical complications in"All-on-4"edentulous jaw implant fixation repair technology


种植相关材料的不断革新,种植体表面处理技术日新月异的进步,以及种植技术理论和实践的不断探索,推动了 口腔种植技术的高速发展.其中,"All-on-4"作为全口无牙颌患者常用且成熟的种植修复治疗方法之一,已在临床上得到广泛应用.然而伴随着该技术在临床上的普及,随之而来出现了不同的并发症,具体包括机械并发症、生物学并发症、美学并发症.为更好地了解该技术可能带来的并发症及产生并发症的原因,文章将对"All-on-4"全口种植固定修复后并发症发生的原因进行分类分析,以期为临床医生的全口种植修复工作提供参考和借鉴.

With the continuous innovation of implant-re-lated materials,the rapid progress of implant surface treat-ment technology,and the exploration of implant technology theory and practice,the rapid development of oral implant technology has been directly promoted.As one of the achieve-ments which was commonly used and mature restoration treat-ment methods for edentulous patients,"All-on-4"implantolo-gy has been widely applied in clinical practice.However,with the popularization of this technology in clinical practice,differ-ent complications have emerged.It can be roughly divided in-to mechanical complications,biological complications,and aesthetic complications.In order to better understand the pos-sible complications and causes of complications caused by this technology,this article will classify and analyze the com-plications of"All-on-4"implantation complete fixed repair,in order to provide reference for clinical doctors in their full mouth implant repair work.


上海市奉贤区中心医院口腔科,上海 201400大连市口腔医院种植科,辽宁大连 116014



edentulousAll-on-4mechanical complica-tionsbiological complicationsaesthetic complications

《中国实用口腔科杂志》 2024 (002)

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