Investigation and study on the composition of patients in the cosmetic surgery department of a public A hospital in Binzhou
目的 通过对滨州市某公立三甲医院美容整形科就诊患者进行问卷调查并对问卷调查结果进行分析,以期更好地了解就诊患者的就诊情况,为科室的发展目标和方向提供更好的借鉴依据.方法 通过问卷星线上问卷的方式对来我院美容整形科就诊的患者进行调查,并对就诊患者的性别、年龄、学历、来源地区、就诊分类、来院途径及来科室途径、选择公立医院美容整形科的理由等八个方面进行数据统计分析.结果 一共收回问卷 313 份.调查结果显示:1、性别:男性占 27.8%,女性占 72.2%.2、年龄:0-6 岁占比 6%,7-17 岁占比 17%,18-40 岁占比 58%,41-65 岁占比 16%,66 岁以上占比 3%.3、学历:专科及以下占 57.19%,本科占 38.66%,硕士及以上占 4.15%.4、就诊患者中来自滨州市滨城区的占 47.6%,滨州市其他县区的占 38.7%,滨州市外的占 13.7%.5、就诊分类:美容占 40.26%,瘢痕占 2.56%,体表肿物(包括色素痣等)占 46.96%,脱发占 3.83%,皮肤裂伤占 3.83%,其他(腋臭、私密等)占 4.15%.6、来院途径:微信公众号占 44.41%,抖音短视频占 10.54%,新闻报道占 6.39%,医师介绍占 6.39%,熟人介绍占 70.61%,广告占 0.32%,其他占 2.24%.7、来科途径:抖音短视频占 82.11%,微信公众号占 55.59%,挂号平台占 5.11%,询问导诊占 9.9%,医师介绍占 9.9%,熟人介绍占46.33%,其他占 0.32%.8、选择公立医院美容整形科理由:安全有保障占 99.68%,医师资质有保证占 97.76%,价格透明占42.17%,医务人员职业素养高占54.95%,其他占1.6%.结论 来我科就诊的患者以女性为主,男性患者主要以瘢痕及皮肤肿物为主;地区来源主要以滨城区为主,滨州市外主要以淄博、东营及德州居多;就诊分类中美容主要以女性中面部相关问题为主,皮肤肿物占比最高,皮肤裂伤以儿童为主;来科途径中通过微信公众号及抖音短视频占比较高,其次熟人介绍.
Objective To conduct a questionnaire survey on the cosmetic surgery department of a public hospital in Binzhou city and analyze the questionnaire survey results,in order to better understand the medical situation of the patients,and to provide a better reference for the development goals and direction of the department.Methods The patients coming to the cosmetic surgery department of our hospital were investigated through the questionnaire star online questionnaire,including the gender,age,educational background,source area,medical classification,the way to the department,and the reason for choosing the cosmetic and plastic surgery department of the public hospital.Result A total of 313 questionnaires were collected.The survey results show that:1.Gender:27.8%are male and 72.2%are female.2.Age:6%0-6,17%7-17,58%18-40,16%41-65,and over 66,3%.3.Education:57.19%for junior college or below,38.66%for bachelor's degree,and 4.15%for master's degree or above.4.Among the patients,47.6%were from Bincheng District of Binzhou City,38.7%were from other counties and districts of Binzhou City,and 13.7%were from outside Binzhou City.5.Classification of medical treatment:Beauty accounted for 40.26%,scar 2.56%,body mass(including nevus)accounted for 46.96%,hair loss 3.83%,skin fissure 3.83%,and other(armpit odor,private,etc.)accounted for 4.15%.6.Access to the hospital:wechat official accounts for 44.41%,TikTok short videos for 10.54%,news reports for 6.39%,physician introduction for 6.39%,acquaintance introduction for 70.61%,advertising for 0.32%,and others for 2.24%.7.Access to departments:TikTok short video accounts for 82.11%,wechat official accounts for 55.59%,registration platform accounts for 5.11%,inquiry guidance for 9.9%,physician introduction for 9.9%,acquaintance introduction for 46.33%,and others for 0.32%.8.Reasons for choosing cosmetic surgery department of public hospitals:99.68%,97.76%,42.17%,medical staff 54.95%,and others for 1.6%.Conclusion The patients in our department are mainly female,male patients mainly scar and skin mass;mainly Bincheng,mainly Zibo,Dongying and Dezhou,Binzhou,mainly female face problems,mainly skin mass,skin fissure,mainly children,WeChat public account and TikTok short video,and then acquaintances.
滨州医学院附属医院美容医学科 ,山东滨州,256600滨州医学院附属医院全科医学科,山东滨州,256600
cosmetic surgeryquestionnaire surveypatient compositionmarketing
《中国医疗美容》 2024 (003)
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