

Family Decision-Making Path for the Referral of Terminal Patients in Tertiary Hospitals


目的 深入了解三级医院终末期患者转诊中家庭决策的动机、模式及相关因素.方法 采用目的抽样法选取北京市3 家三级医院的终末期患者及家属作为研究对象,进行半结构式访谈,对访谈资料进行主题分析.结果 根据主题饱和原则,最终纳入11 例患者和15 位家属.访谈资料经整理和分析后归纳为 6 大主题:决策前提、决策模式、家庭支持、转出医院方医疗团队支持、转诊通道状况、志愿者团队的介入及社会支持,在此基础上,构建终末期患者转诊的家庭决策流程图.结论 深度剖析了三级医院终末期患者转诊中家庭决策的多方面因素,结果突显了内外在因素的重要性,同时强调了决策模式、家庭支持、医疗团队支持、转诊通道状况以及志愿者团队的介入和社会支持的综合影响,为改善终末期患者转诊流程和提升家庭决策的质量提供了深刻的理解,为未来改进医疗服务和决策支持提供了有益的建议.

Objective To gain an in-depth understanding of the motivations,patterns,and related factors in family decision-making regarding the referral of terminal patients in tertiary hospitals.Methods Using purposive sampling,terminal patients and their family members from three tertiary hospitals in Beijing were se-lected as subjects.Semi-structured interviews were conducted,and the interview data were subjected to thematic analysis.Results Following the saturation principle,a total of 11 patients and 15 family members were includ-ed.The interview data were organized and analyzed,yielding six major themes:decision premises,decision pat-terns,family support,support from the referring hospital's medical team,referral channel conditions,and in-volvement of volunteer teams and social support.Based on these findings,a flowchart illustrating the family deci-sion-making process for the referral of terminal patients was constructed.Conclusions The study provides a com-prehensive analysis of various factors influencing family decision-making in the referral of terminal patients in ter-tiary hospitals.The results underscore the significance of internal and external factors,emphasizing the integrated impact of decision patterns,family support,medical team support,referral channel conditions,and the in-volvement of volunteer teams and social support.The research offers profound insights into improving the referral process for terminal patients and enhancing the quality of family decision-making.It provides valuable recommen-dations for future improvements in medical services and decision support.


首都医科大学护理学院, 北京 100069北京大学第三医院护理部, 北京 100191中日友好医院 北区心内科, 北京 100029中日友好医院 呼吸与危重症医学科, 北京 100029



terminal patientsreferral decision-makingfamily supportfamily decision-making

《中国医学科学院学报》 2024 (002)

217-224 / 8


