

Digital Transformation in Vocational Education:Connotation,Issues and Paths



Digital transformation provides an unprecedented opportunity for vocational education to serve the development of new quality productivity.Digital transformation is not only the application of digital technology in education,but also a fundamental change in the ecology,model,approach and value of vocational education.Vocational education should accurately identify the opportunities for digital transformation,stimulate the development of vocational education with innovative concepts and methods,and form a new education model that fits the characteristics of the digital era.At present,the digital transformation of vocational education in China is faced with problems such as cognitive misunderstanding of the transformation concept,geographical differences in the development of transformation,lack of recognizability of transformation characteristics,and difficulty in assessing the maturity of transformation.Breaking through these problems requires deep research at the following four levels:scientific leadership,reshaping the thinking of digital transformation of vocational education;multi-party synergy,creating a vocational education digital co-construction and sharing ecology;based on their own,digitization to promote the construction and development of vocational education characteristics;and digital empowerment,constructing a maturity assessment model for the digital transformation of vocational education.





vocational educationdigital transformationdigital technology

《职业技术教育》 2024 (009)

32-38 / 7
