

Realistic Dilemma and Shanghai Paths of Comprehensive Quality Evaluation of Secondary Vocational School Students from the Perspective of High-quality Development



High-quality education evaluation is an important component of the high-quality education system.Exploring and practicing the comprehensive quality evaluation of secondary vocational school students is a practical requirement of education reform with quality education as the core,an inherent requirement of vocational education reform with systematic cultivation and diverse talents as the core,and a direct requirement of deepening the reform of the examination and enrollment system.To effectively address key issues such as"what to evaluate","how to evaluate"and"how to use evaluation results"in the comprehensive quality evaluation of secondary vocational education students,Shanghai has established a new overall evaluation concept for teaching quality in secondary vocational education.It has developed an evaluation index system that highlights the characteristics of vocational education and comprehensively evaluates morality,intelligence,physical fitness,aesthetics and labor skills.Multiple evaluation methods have been comprehensively used to construct a student evaluation model that involves multiple subjects,realistic records and a comprehensive presentation of documentary reports to establish a regional student evaluation operation mechanism that coordinates and cooperates with multiple departments and implements the entire process normally,and develop a comprehensive information platform for evaluating the comprehensive quality of vocational school students with comprehensive functions.After years of practical exploration,students have significantly improved their ability for self-management and self-development.The teaching atmosphere of teachers dedicating themselves to educating and teaching according to their aptitude is becoming stronger,and the internal development motivation of vocational schools has been enhanced.This has effectively promoted the reform of the high admission system and promoted the adaptation of vocational education and market supply and demand.





secondary vocational educationstudent evaluationcomprehensive qualitycomprehensive development

《职业技术教育》 2024 (009)

68-73 / 6

