

Research progress of pro-environment behavior



Since the beginning of the new century,pro-environmental behavior and its underlying mechanisms have attracted much attention.In order to comprehensively understand the research progress of pro-environment behavior,this paper reviews similar domes-tic and foreign studies and takes 544 literatures in the CNKI database from 1999 to 2023 as research objects.With the help of Citespace,this paper summarizes the definition,development stage,measurement dimension and formation mechanism of the field of pro-environment behavior.The findings are as follows:①The concepts of environmental responsibility behavior,pro-environment behav-ior,environmentally friendly behavior,and environmental protection behavior are similar,all of which focus on the positive impact of in-dividuals on the environment.Most of the research subjects of pro-environment behavior revolve around tourists and farmers.②The de-velopment stages of domestic pro-environmental behavior in the past 20 years has been divided into four stages:exploratory develop-ment,slow development,rapid development and mature development,with different research emphases and directions in each stage.③The structural dimensions of pro-environment behavior are mostly divided into single-dimensional and multi-dimensional struc-tures.The test method is mainly a self-report method.The theoretical framework is mainly developed around TPB theory,NAM theory,and VBN theory,and the secondary integration between different theories is becoming more and more mature.④Pro-environment be-havior is mainly affected by individual characteristics,internal cognition,emotional factors,and external situational characteristics,but the influencing factors of pro-environment behavior vary greatly among different actors.On this basis,future research prospects are put forward from the aspects of research methods and research contents,in order to enrich the research content in the field of pro-environ-ment behavior and guide the practical application of pro-environment behavior theory.


南京林业大学经济管理学院,江苏南京 210037



pro-environment behaviordefinition of connotationknowledge graphstructural dimensioninfluencing factor

《资源开发与市场》 2024 (004)

492-502 / 11


