首页|期刊导航|Nano-Micro Letters|Highly Elastic,Bioresorbable Polymeric Materials for Stretchable,Transient Electronic Systems

Highly Elastic,Bioresorbable Polymeric Materials for Stretchable,Transient Electronic SystemsOACSTPCDEI


Substrates or encapsulants in soft and stretchable formats are key components for transient,bioresorbable electronic systems;however,elastomeric polymers with desired mechanical and biochemical properties are very limited compared to nontransient counterparts.Here,we introduce a bioresorbable elastomer,poly(glycolide-co-ε-caprolactone)(PGCL),that contains excellent material properties including high elongation-at-break(<1300%),resilience and toughness,and tunable dissolution behaviors.Exploitation of PGCLs as polymer matrices,in combination with conducing polymers,yields stretchable,conductive composites for degradable interconnects,sensors,and actuators,which can reliably function under external strains.Integration of device components with wireless modules demonstrates elastic,transient electronic suture system with on-demand drug delivery for rapid recovery of postsurgical wounds in soft,time-dynamic tissues.

Jeong‑Woong Shin;Dong‑Je Kim;Tae‑Min Jang;Won Bae Han;Joong Hoon Lee;Gwan‑Jin Ko;Seung Min Yang;Kaveti Rajaram;Sungkeun Han;Heeseok Kang;Jun Hyeon Lim;Chan‑Hwi Eom;Amay J.Bandodkar;Hanul Min;Suk‑Won Hwang;

KU‑KIST Graduate School of Converging Science and Technology,Korea University,145 Anam‑ro,Seongbuk‑gu,Seoul 02841,Republic of Korea Semiconductor R&D Center,Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd.,Hwaseong‑si,Gyeonggi‑do 18448,Republic of KoreaKU‑KIST Graduate School of Converging Science and Technology,Korea University,145 Anam‑ro,Seongbuk‑gu,Seoul 02841,Republic of KoreaKU‑KIST Graduate School of Converging Science and Technology,Korea University,145 Anam‑ro,Seongbuk‑gu,Seoul 02841,Republic of Korea SK Hynix,2091,Gyeongchung‑daero,Bubal‑eup,Icheon‑si,Gyeonggi‑do 17336,Republic of KoreaKU‑KIST Graduate School of Converging Science and Technology,Korea University,145 Anam‑ro,Seongbuk‑gu,Seoul 02841,Republic of Korea Hanwha Systems Co.,Ltd.,188,Pangyoyeok‑ro,Bundang‑gu,Seongnam‑si,Gyeonggi‑do 13524,Republic of KoreaDepartment of Electrical and Computer Engineering,North Carolina State University,Raleigh,NC 27606,USA Center for Advanced Self‑Powered Systems of Integrated Sensors and Technologies(ASSIST),North Carolina State University,Raleigh,NC 27606,USAKU‑KIST Graduate School of Converging Science and Technology,Korea University,145 Anam‑ro,Seongbuk‑gu,Seoul 02841,Republic of Korea Center for Advanced Biomolecular Recognition,Biomedical Research Division,Korea Institute of Science and Technology(KIST),Seoul 02792,Republic of KoreaKU‑KIST Graduate School of Converging Science and Technology,Korea University,145 Anam‑ro,Seongbuk‑gu,Seoul 02841,Republic of Korea Department of Integrative Energy Engineering,Korea University,145 Anam‑ro,Seongbuk‑gu,Seoul 02841,Republic of KoreaKU‑KIST Graduate School of Converging Science and Technology,Korea University,145 Anam‑ro,Seongbuk‑gu,Seoul 02841,Republic of Korea Department of Integrative Energy Engineering,Korea University,145 Anam‑ro,Seongbuk‑gu,Seoul 02841,Republic of Korea Biomaterials Research Center,Korea Institute of Science and Technology(KIST),5 Hwarang‑ro 14‑gil,Seongbuk‑gu,Seoul 02792,Republic of Korea


Biodegradable elastomerConductive polymer compositesBiomedical deviceTransient electronics

《Nano-Micro Letters》 2024 (006)

P.1-13 / 13

This work was supported by the KIST Institutional Program(Project No.2E32501-23-106);the KU-KIST Graduate School of Converging Science and Technology Program,the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF)grant funded by the Korean government(the Ministry of Science,ICT,MSIT)(RS-2022-00165524);the development of technologies for electroceuticals of the National Research Foundataion(NRF)funded by the Korean government(MSIT)(RS-2023-00220534);the Ministry of Science and ICT(MSIT),Korea,under the ICT Creative Consilience program(IITP-2023-2020-0-01819)supervised by the IITP(Institute for Information and Communications Technology Planning and Evaluation),and Start up Pioneering in Research and Innovation(SPRINT)through the Commercialization Promotion Agency for R&D Outcomes(COMPA)grant funded by the Korea government(Ministry of Science and ICT)(1711198921).

