

A Virtrual Reality Police Training System Based on Tactile Interaction Interface


虚拟现实凭借着其高沉浸感的体验,在警务仿真培训中有着广泛应用,由于商用虚拟现实系统多关注视觉反馈,难以使用标准的手控器为警务培训提供逼真的触觉交互体验.触觉交互界面基于多功能的离散单点触控交互系统,可实现虚拟现实中的道具操作直接交互,针对虚拟训练中的警务场景,该系统能够识别用户所选道具,并响应用户的交互动作,以提高虚拟现实系统的交互真实性.该系统使用HTC Vive追踪器对用户进行运动捕捉,以生成人体骨架驱动虚拟代理.同时,使用单片机获取并处理用户的道具选择信息及用户与道具的交互信息,再通过蓝牙通信传输至上位机.硬件设计采用STM32F103 系列中的C8T6 最小系统板,相关功能通过软件Keil5 编程实现.实验验证了系统的正确性和可行性,能够提供多样的物理触觉代理,增强了虚拟环境中的交互体验.该系统为虚拟现实交互技术提供了新的思路和方向,具有很好的应用前景.

Virtual reality has been applied to many training applications include police training due to its high immersiveness.Because commercial virtual reality systems focus more on visual feedback,it is difficult to use standard hand controllers to provide a relistic tactile interaction experience for police training.The tactile inter-action interface is based on a multi-functional discrete single-point touch interaction system,which can realize the direct interaction of prop operation in virtual reality.Specifically designed for police training scenarios,the system can recognize the selected prop by the user and respond to their interactive actions,thereby enhancing the realism of interaction in virtual reality systems.The system uses HTC Vive trackers to capture the user's movements and generate a human skeleton to drive the virtual proxy.Simultaneously,it employs a microcon-troller to obtain and process information on the user's prop selection and interactions with it,which are then transmitted to the host computer via Bluetooth.The hardware design adopts the C8T6 minimum system board in the STM32F103 series,with related functions implemented through Keil5 programming.The experimental re-sults confirm the correctness and feasibility of the system,which can provide diverse physical tactile proxy and enhance the interactive experience in virtual environments.The system provides new ideas and directions for virtual reality interaction technology and has excellent application prospects.


内蒙古警察职业学院公安管理系,内蒙古呼和浩特 010050南京浩伟智能科技有限公司研发中心,江苏南京 210049东南大学仪器科学与工程学院,江苏南京 210096



virtual realitytactile input devicetactile sensorhuman-computer interactionmulti-prop recogni-tion

《测控技术》 2024 (004)

83-88,94 / 7


