

Digital Finance,Digital Divide and Household Financial Portfolio Effectiveness


数字金融发展有助于克服长期以来"三农"金融服务中面临的缺乏标准抵押物的"痛点"和信息不对称的"堵点",有望加快弥合城乡数字鸿沟,让广大农民得以共同享受改革发展成果.利用中国数字普惠金融发展指数和 2019 年中国家庭金融调查(CHFS)数据,检验数字金融发展对城乡居民家庭金融资产组合有效性的差异,进而基于不同等级的数字鸿沟展开异质性讨论.研究表明:(1)数字金融发展显著提高了城乡家庭金融资产组合有效性,但明显更有利于城镇家庭,即城乡间存在家庭金融资产组合有效性差距拉大的危险;分维度来看,数字金融使用深度、普惠金融数字化程度也提高了城乡家庭金融资产组合有效性,且更有利于城镇家庭.(2)数字鸿沟是制约数字金融发展提高家庭金融资产组合有效性的关键因素,在城乡家庭都逾越一级和二级数字鸿沟后,数字金融发展显著提高了城乡家庭金融资产组合有效性,即数字金融发展要更好地促进城乡家庭金融资产组合有效性提升,其关键在于缩小数字鸿沟.因此,必须加快构建数字金融的包容性发展路径,建立健全城乡居民数字素养和金融素养培育的体制机制,不断弥合"信息富人"和"信息穷人"之间的数字鸿沟,提升居民家庭金融资产组合有效性.

Summary Constrained by disparities in urban-rural and regional development,traditional financial services still face challenges of low coverage and high financing costs,hindering their effective role in promoting agricultural,farmer,and rural development.However,the emergence of digital finance,resulting from the fusion of finance and technology,is reshaping the operational landscape of the financial industry.Digital finance addresses longstanding issues such as the lack of standard collateral and information asymmetry in financial services for agriculture,farmers,and rural areas.Its advancement is anticipated to bridge the digital gap between urban and rural regions,empowering farmers to benefit from reforms and development,thereby serving as a potent instrument for rural revitalization and fostering shared prosperity. This study employs data from the Peking University Digital Financial Inclusion Index of China(PKU-DFIIC)and the China Household Finance Survey(CHFS)2019 to comprehensively analyze the impact of digital financial development on urban and rural household financial asset portfolios.The findings indicate that while digital financial development enhances the effectiveness of both urban and rural household financial asset portfolios,it disproportionately favors urban households,potentially exacerbating the urban-rural gap in portfolio effectiveness.Specifically,greater utilization of digital finance and the level of inclusivity in its digitalization amplify the effectiveness of urban and rural household financial asset portfolios,predominantly benefiting urban households. Furthermore,to delve deeper into the influence of digital finance on optimizing household financial asset portfolios,this study dissects the digital divide into primary and secondary levels.It explores the prospect of narrowing the effectiveness gap in household financial asset portfolios between urban and rural areas by bridging different levels of the digital divide.The research underscores the digital divide as a critical impediment to digital finance's role in enhancing household financial asset portfolios.Notably,digital financial development significantly boosts the effectiveness of household financial asset portfolios in both urban and rural areas once households overcome primary and secondary digital divides.Thus,the key to leveraging digital finance for enhanced portfolio effectiveness lies in mitigating the digital divide. Moreover,this paper quantifies the secondary digital divide based on digital finance usage and further delineates it into digital finance and digital credit divides.It delves into the distinct roles of bridging the digital finance and digital credit divides in augmenting the effectiveness of urban and rural household financial asset portfolios amid various barriers to digital financial service usage.This expands the research and policy scope of digital finance.The policy implications underscore the imperative to expedite the construction of an inclusive digital finance pathway,establish robust institutional mechanisms for nurturing digital and financial literacy among urban and rural residents,continually narrow the digital divide between information-rich and information-poor demographics,and enhance the effectiveness of residents'household financial asset portfolios.


西南大学 普惠金融与农业农村发展研究中心,重庆 400715||西南大学 经济管理学院,重庆 400715上海财经大学 财经研究所,上海 200433西南大学 经济管理学院,重庆 400715北京师范大学 经济与资源管理研究院,北京 100875


digital financeasset portfolioshousehold financedigital dividedigital literacy

《当代经济科学》 2024 (002)

45-58 / 14


